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2007 October:
[ ]My New Car
Title:My New Car
Posted On:2007-10-12 13:29:38
Posted By:» Beezy
Last night, made my own car by cutting the bottom out of a shopping cart, I made a seat out of a couple of pieces of plywood I ripped off the baseboard of my grandmother's house and for effect, I hung a children's toy wheel I found in a dumpster outside the apartments next door.
It's pretty fun to peddle with, there's limited room for passengers and when I'm going down busy streets, I need to stick to bike lane or next to the curb otherwise I'll have traffic backed up for blocks if I'm in the middle of the road, that's when people start yelling and the bats come out. the thing handles fairly well. I get a few people yelling and calling me names but fuck them, I'm the only one who has it figured out, I save a ton of money on gas and repairs. They wish they had something like this.
Mildred's cat is dead