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Title:Cultural Baggage
Posted On:2007-09-15 22:08:29
Posted By:» moohk
A-Holes and K-Holes
"M.I.A. identifies with the ethos of the Clash, but not for the corporate jock-rock that passes for punk today. Likewise, she's conflicted about contemporary hip hop, and finds the mainstream American scene somewhat problematic...
...Moreoever, her recording session with renowned Southern crew Six Mafia was aborted after it became clear that they expected 'sexy' material, and she was disapointed with Timbaland, who's apparently more drawn to the likes of Celine Dion these days. 'Come Around' is their one collaboration on Kala, though there was initially talk of having Timbaland produce the album in its entirety, perhaps reinventing M.I.A. a la Nelly Furtado.

"I considered it for, like, a minute", M.I.A. admits, "But I think it might be impossible to make that transition, with my lifestyle and the people I have around me".

Perhaps she is referring to her Polish buddy Shemko, who recently cut and coloured her hair under the influence of ketamine, aka Special K. With friends like these, who needs fame?"
