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Title:About TGIT
Posted On:2007-05-29 20:08:13
Posted By:» Le_D
Okay, a lot of people have been complaining about me and Louis ending Thank God it's Thursday­. While the night as been really fun, we both felt that we should focus on other projects. Some nights have been absolutely incredible, especially Dave the Drummer and the trance night with dj Emm. However, we did get the feeling that the night wasn't as big as what we expected. We first came up with this night as a way to start partying a little bit before the weekend. Thank God was never meant to be the event of the week. (with the possible exception of the Dave the Drummer night) Since very few parties are happening this summer, we're not sure if a rave music night on thursdays would be a good idea. Truth be told, I'd rather throw some weekend events.

Saphir as always been a great place to have a few beers, and not that we finally have some good weather people like to drink outside. This makes me wonder, do we really need two rooms of music in a club where everyone drinks and smokes outside? I know some of you have been enjoying the djs we booked a lot. I'm really glad that you guys supported Project Mayhem, and hope that you'll support us again at future events. For those of you who enjoy Saphir, by all means continue to support Mix Thursdays. The same deals hold regarding alcool, and the music there is amazing.

Regarding Project Mayhem, we're currently working on Time Machine 2, on september 8. We might get into club events again. For now, we'll take the time to think this over, and if we find a suitable concept, we might come up with something bigger that we hope you'll all enjoy even more than Thank God it's Thursday. For now, I welcome you all to Saphir for Psychedelic Sunshine, our last night at Saphir featuring Djs Rickam, Psydraulix and Marvin vs Nico.
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