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Title:Save Your Self
Posted On:2007-01-16 18:08:06
Posted By:» moohk
"When I was in the holding cell, we only got one pen to share between five guys every other day for only four hours, so when it was my turn, I had no choice whether I felt like it or not; I drew and wrote as much as I could. Only when I got to solitary did they let me buy my own pens. I had one red pen, one black pen, one pencil, and when I started to fiend [for] painting, I used soy sauce from breakfast; for the brush I used the tip of my sock. Months later, I started to use my own urine for the paint and my cock for the brush. It's the same story repeating - the art saved my life." ....

David Choe (speaking about his experience in prison in Japan)
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