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Title:If you have to do drugs...
Posted On:2006-11-20 17:29:32
Posted By:» Le_D
...then do E, it's fun for the whole family!

Seriously, while you all know I'm not a big drug fan (at least, not anymore), I do understand that raves wouldn't exist if it weren't for those little pills. In fact, drugs have shaped the scene into what it is today. Just listen to oldcschool music, from the time people used to do E, the cheezy trance that came after, that emphasizes even more on the drug's effects. Listen to hardcore now, have you noticed that most people can't dance on today's hardcore without doing speed? I know some people who can, but most need an energy boost in pill form.

Now, let's look at our own scene, here in Montreal. Montreal is a city that loves speed. Same goes for Quebec city. Since our ravers like speed, they like their music hard. They also like to dance, a lot. Just read rave reviews. Most raves who had a good time talk about how much they danced, more that the people they've met. I know I'm generalizing here, but it seems like people care more and more on the music being as hard as possible, and less about meeting other ravers. This is simple, speed, a drug that makes you move, took Ecstasy's place.

You probably know where I'm going with this. The vibe changed. You wonder why raves just aren't this "magical" anymore? Why Plur died? It's kinda frustrating to say, but it could be a little pill's fault. Now, let's do an experiment. If you don't do drugs, please don't start taking them after reading this. Drugs are dangerous, but are still a personnal choice that should be respected. Now if you do take drugs, try this, next party do E. Ask the rest of your crew to do E as well. You'll see the difference.

Oh, and for the record, speed today is full of methamphetamines, wich are freakin dangerous, as well as addictive. It's your own personnal choice, and as I said, I won't think less of someone for doing drugs. I'll only think less of someone for how stupid the drugs made him, but I'll leave that for another blog entry.

Have fun, and stay safe kids. :)

Listening To: Try to guess
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