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Title:I'm still alive...
Posted On:2006-11-01 01:17:05
Posted By:» Le_D
Wow, I haven't written anything here for a while now. To be honest, I wasn't really motivated to talk about the rave scene lately. Few good parties have been happening, and quite honestly, I haven't really had fun at a rave since Time Machine. It doesn't mean that the parties sucked, it means I wasn't in the mood. This is why I want to write about something that happens to every raver; getting jaded.

It's totally normal, when you do something a lot, you get jaded of it. However, when that something is the single most important thing in your life, (the case with most ravers) it can be quite devastating. The first thing every raver has to realise is that him or her not having as much fun as before is no one's fault. Yes, the scene changes, that doesn't mean it sucks because you don't enjoy it anymore. Ravers who are getting into the scene today are having just as much fun as we all used to at our first rave. The fact that they don't go as crazy as we used to doesn't mean they're not having as much fun.

What not to do when you get jaded? First, let others have fun, don't go dissing the kids who are still enjoying the parties. Also, don't share your frustration on message boards. People don't want to hear about your personal frustrations with the scene. Let others have fun. On the other hand, what you should do is find another way to have fun. The obvious thing would be to take a break from raving. Come back when you feel like it again. You can also find new ways of having fun at parties. Becoming a dj or throwing a party can be a good way to rediscover the scene. Just take the time to do it right, becoming a dj or promoter represents a lot of hard work.

Lastly, many jaded ravers stay in the scene because they don't have any friends who don't rave. There's no magical formula there. You might wanna go back to school or find a job you really like, hopefully you'll meet new friends there.

In the end, the only person who can say if you should continue raving or not is you. Don't force yourself to rave if you don't enjoy it anymore. On the other hand, it's ok to continue going, even if you don't stay as late and you don't dance as long as you used to.

Listening To: E.N.D. - Couche Tard
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