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2006 October:
[ ]untouched land..
Title:untouched land..
Posted On:2006-10-18 14:58:04
Posted By:» kinwah
i am on my way to experience a new place with new people, i've lived in vancouver for 11 years and i know the whole city with my eyes closed. i've been in the scene for 7 years, and the underground scene for 5 years. it's awesome knowing every beautiful spot of a city, every great bar, every forest ( well almost ), every path..

now i am in for a change. something a little smaller, well alot smaller. way less cars, wayy less traffic, people, stores, smoke, pollution, etc. i'm on my way to a small town in the enterior of bc called nelson. somewhere a little more quiet, less honking, more breathing. time and space to align my chakras, focus on beats without hearing extra sounds that clog my almost clear mind. time to find new trails, new people, different trees, and most deffinatly less crackheads! lol

i'm excited, new places excite me. i think this is going to be a good one. the water / river is more clear, less oil i beleive. more trees plus they're alot closer, backcountry mountains ( whitewater ) and a rising musik scene that i can hopfully jump into. unfortiunatly i wont have the chance to throw parties for a while but i think i'll manage.. more ideas will rise into my mind. and for once i will be breathing clean beautiful air!

i'm stoked :)
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