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2006 September:
[ ]1st Entry - "The Rundown"
Title:1st Entry - "The Rundown"
Posted On:2006-09-20 03:36:11
Posted By:» HowssBoi
So you already know a little about me from my posts on the boards and from my profile. This will bring you up to speed on the rest of things.

I'm struggling to find a little work here in Southern Ontario - just for a few weeks until I go out to Alberta. It will be the biggest geographical move of my life and it will be my first time "out of the nest" and away from my parents. I suppose that what I am doing is the best thing because I am leaving absolutely no room to move back in with my parents. I can't just drive home on a whim because home will be a 4 day drive away!

Most of my friends wonder why I want to move away. The main reason is money. I want to make as much money as possible and Alberta is the place to be if you're young and single (like me) and you're looking to make a lot of cash. Another reason is that I feel like there is nothing here in this little town for me any more. All of the pretty girls I know are in serious relationships and there is pretty much nothing for work - well, work that pays you enough to cover all your bills, anyway. Plenty of shitty jobs but nothing worth sticking around for.

I don't have a girlfriend. I don't go out because I hardly ever have enough money to go out after I pay my bills (another reason why I'm moving to Alberta!).

My goal before I leave Ontario is to go out and have one solid night of partying. Drinking a little bit, dancing a whole lot (even if I look like a total idiot doing it - I've learned that as long as you're having fun it doesn't matter what you look like!). I don't care who is there. I'm having a good time!

Listening To: Infected Mushroom - Dream
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