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2006 August:
[ ]about me
Title:about me
Posted On:2006-08-06 21:23:38
Posted By:» drumnjase
hi im a dnb dj locateed here in montreal. I have a residency at dubwise thursdays@vinyl. sometimes i paly tunes on ckut - massive unit wounded -alongside the host jmoney (wednesdays from 2 to 4). For about a year or two i did a show on dnbradio.com with corey k. that was definitly fun, I played at junglist fridays @ blue dog for a few years usually opening. also at kops crew sundays for a few years with my favorite dnb dj - mint -. i waste all my time and money on dnb and am now starting to concentrate on production, fortunatly i have a few freinds who have been helping me with gear and tips moral support ect.. big thanks to mint, r cola, generic, subtone and sean powers. I consider myself to be very picky selection wise and will only play what i consider to be the best drum n bass.
other tahn that i have been skateboarding practically my whole life - so big up all the local skaters and other freinds. shout to crazy dave, big jerk, dj mint, the whole flex crew, kops crew adrian and my gf harriet.
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