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2006 August:
[ ]Dernier week-end
[ ]Une journee vedge a Londres
[ ]Londres
2006 July:
[ ]Oh putain!
[ ]2nd
[ ]First day in London
[ ]Vacances 2006
Title:Vacances 2006
Posted On:2006-07-26 11:35:07
Posted By:» OliilO
July, 26 4:32 pm
After delays due to electromagnetic storms, I finally get to London at 4:20 am. Good sign isn t it. Not much proble; zith th accent... This city is impressive. I live between Picadilly Circus and Leicester Square at a friend s place. He even got a room especially for me!!
I surprinsngly remember how to write with the French "clavier".
I walked aroun a little bit this morning but get back to have a nap to be in shape tonight zith my friends.
Can t wait to discover more. I ll try to keep this journal up to date...