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By » thehemeraproject on Wed Aug 30, 2006
it's 4 am and I CAN'T SLEEP
Nous sommes nos propres sauveurs
By » thehemeraproject on Sat May 21, 2005
Que reste t-il de la Revolution Tranquille ? Que reste t-il du mouvement hippie, du peace and love ? Que reste t-il des revoltes des annees 60 ? La ou, comme l'a ecrit Hunter S. Thompson, " You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was...
People. Raves. Death. Badly structured, full of ideas.
By » thehemeraproject on Sat Feb 12, 2005
People these days...they work, study all week, then they stop everything (actually, they stop by themselves), and then they go out to realease all this energy that was pushed back down, deep in their souls. Most societies had their celebrations, their "out of time" events. A moment where normal life...
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