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By » Screwhead on Wed Mar 10, 2010
So I just had a weird fucking dream, and after waking up, it's like the dream was giving me a message; it wanted me to get something off my chest that's been bothering me for a while now. I AM A DRUM AND BASS DJ! Not just any kind of DnB, either; HARD DnB, AKA Skullstep. I like dubstep...
WoW is just scientology with elves
By » Screwhead on Sun Nov 16, 2008
I posted this on a Warhammer 40k messageboard just now, but I felt that this deserved it's own mention here. I single out WOW because the topic was the latest Wrath of the Lich King expansion, but really this goes and applies to any and all MMOs that you have to pay a monthly fee to...
getting really sick of these dreams...
By » Screwhead on Wed Oct 29, 2008
The one that I had last night/this morning, I don't remember as well as that one that I posted up before.. I swear though, it's an awesome premises for a horror movie.. for the first part (I went back to sleep after I first woke up and had another dream in the same area, but from a different...
Another WTF dream that goes into a sleep paralysis
By » Screwhead on Thu Oct 16, 2008
I'm living somewhere.. it kind of looks like where I lived in the West Island with my mom, but it's not quite right.. The neighborhood looks more like Laval. A lot of this part is a blur, but I remember I was doing something at home.. I think I was watching a horror movie. Then I go outside and I...
By » Screwhead on Sat May 3, 2008
1 Comment
I'm so sick and tired of trying to find happieness, only to fail at every turn. The only thing that ever works out the way I'd like it to is nothing. I feel so sub-human. Unwanted. Unappreciated Unable to enjoy things that make people happy. Unable to enjoy things that make me...
Well THAT was fucking close
By » Screwhead on Sun Apr 27, 2008
So I'm on my way to Never Never Land to play at 6am.. Quickest way there is to take a short walk up Pie9 to the 370, and that drops me off on St Denis, about 10 minute walk to get to Studio Loco. I sit down at the front and ask the driver to let me know when we're at st denis, in case I space out...
One of those defining moments
By » Screwhead on Wed Feb 13, 2008
It's amazing what you can remember sometimes. Considering I can barely rememeber what I did last week, last month, last year.. remembering something in such vivid detail from when I was around 2 years old is fuckin' amazing. But it's also one of those important moments in life, where something...
By » Screwhead on Sat Dec 22, 2007
I think one of the main diffrences between me and most people is that I really listen to my heart on things, to a fault. If something doesn't feel right, doesn't move me, I just don't do it. Life is too short to waste your time doing things you aren't completely and totally passionate about and...
The random things you think about...
By » Screwhead on Thu Sep 13, 2007
1 Comment
...while taking a shower. Somewhere between a year and a half to two years ago I had a hard drive faliure that resulted in me losing a lot of things; the most important being all of my drum samples and songs I was working on, including some hiphop tunes that I actually planned to rhyme on. Out...
My brain has issues (totally WTF dream)
By » Screwhead on Sun Aug 12, 2007
Ok, I think I've officially just had the WEIRDEST dream I've ever had in my life. It was animated Garfield episodes; John had just gotten a new girlfriend, and he wanted to have sex with her, but she was into exhibitionism, and even though she was in love with John, the only thing that turned...
When you put everyone else first, you end up last.
By » Screwhead on Sat May 26, 2007
For years now, I've always thought, always believed, that the only reason I had to be alive, was so that I could suffer. It's like I'm the punchline to some cosmic joke; like the only reason I have such a complete and total dissbeliefe in god and religion, is because I'm trapped in hell, and it'll...
Get out of my head!
By » Screwhead on Thu Jan 11, 2007
For the past couple of months, I've been having the weirdest dreams I've had in a long time. There's almost always a similar theme, even though they vary wildly; somthing extremely happy, and extreme violence. A lot of them somehow end up with me being at my grandparent's place with someone that I...
I am my own antithesis
By » Screwhead on Sat Nov 11, 2006
Fuckin' IBS has fucked me up so much more than I thought possible. I've had to completely change myself around. Against my will, I've been turned into a straight-edge vegetarian, and I fucking hate it. No alcohol, no smoking of any kind, no caffeine, no carbonated beverages, no chocolate, nothing...
In this one I say "fuckin'" a lot
By » Screwhead on Wed Sep 13, 2006
Fuckin' hell. No more fuckin' weed for me. Absolutely, ever, again. So, here I am, no internet access at home and having another panic attack. Went over to a friend's place and caught the tail-end of a documentary he'd done on extreme body piercing, followed by smoking a joint. Totally put me in...
A word on relationships, friends, and betrayal
By » Screwhead on Mon Aug 7, 2006
I figgure I might as well make this one be about 2 things that are almost always on my mind: relationships and betrayal. I mentioned earlier about being molested by a friend. I also mentioned that things in life are always relative, always a matter of perspective. To someone who has violent...
If you don't love what you do, why don't you do what you love?
By » Screwhead on Tue Aug 1, 2006
It's funny how I only seem to write these things when I'm scared. For the past month and a half I've been having all sorts of abdominal pains. I've been rather stupid, only waiting untill it really hurts before going to see a doctor, which is usually just an emergency room hack who tells me the...
In the beginning
By » Screwhead on Sat Jul 22, 2006
Consider this journals section as sort of a diary/autobiography. I will be rambling in this section every once in a while with anecdotes as I remember them. I don't want your pitty, I don't want your sympathies, I just want to be remembered. There's a saying that I read years ago that I will...
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