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Midnight Random Thoughts
By » MunchinSushi on Thu Jun 5, 2008
It is one minute till Midnight and here I am doing nothing at all. Alot has been going on in my mind lately, I have had a few weeks that have been unlike most of my weeks. Oddly enough I keep running into this Awesome Mitch guy I met through a promoter here in Ottawa. When I met him I was completely...
Wow, Just ... Wow
By » MunchinSushi on Mon May 19, 2008
So here I am on a rainy Monday morning and I can't keep the smile off of my face. That is all.
Sketchy Randomness
By » MunchinSushi on Thu May 15, 2008
Ok I'm going to start with earlier today as it is revelant to the story I am about to tell. Today as I was out with Kris shopping at Circle and Val called me. I told her briefly about the "misunderstanding" that Zac and I had. Well, more that we weren't talking. Then I brought up the subject of Rob...
Lonely is better right now.
By » MunchinSushi on Mon Apr 14, 2008
This is getting really sad. I haven't been back in Ottawa for twelve hours yet and I'm already feeling the stress. I just snapped at my ex because he asked me what time we have court in the morning. I'm so frustrated with him and the whole male population right now. I don't care who you are, If you...
By » MunchinSushi on Wed Apr 9, 2008
The next thirteen minutes is an expressive vision of me, I have nothing truly exciting to say tonight, just feel like typing . I was told today that I have come a far way with my writing. That I have learned to be very expressive, I think before I write unlike when I talk and just blurt out anything...
Montreal Morning--- The story of me
By » MunchinSushi on Mon Apr 7, 2008
1 Comment
Good Morning all!! I am in Montreal, Sadly my last day here for the weekend. I woke up this morning in a great mood! It's bright and sunny, Some hippies were playing the Beatles and I am now the only one awake, and in control of the computer. I really like waking up on days like this. I just hope...
By » MunchinSushi on Wed Apr 2, 2008
Todays Journal is being written while I'm in one of my more silly moods. Recently I added a new word to TUEZDAE'S DICTIONARY OF TERRIBULARILY HORRIBULOUS VOCABULARILIY the word is the name of this Journal "INCOMPREHENDIULAR" (in-komp-re-hen-ju-lar) It is the act of saying things or doing things...
Growing up
By » MunchinSushi on Tue Apr 1, 2008
Today I realized how much I have actually Grown in the last year. Some may say that I have gone backwards but really I haven't. Sure I've had some major setbacks in the last year but I have also made some big steps forward. At the moment I may not be the happiest that I have been but I am happy...
I like Monkeys
By » MunchinSushi on Mon Mar 31, 2008
I like monkeys. The pet store was selling them for five cents a piece. I thought that odd since they were normally a couple thousand each. I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. I bought 200. I like monkeys. I took my 200 monkeys home. I have a big car. I let one drive...
By » MunchinSushi on Sun Mar 30, 2008
So I've decided it's time for a big change in my life, I'm tired of only being myself to an extent. People in Ottawa are so close-minded and It's driving me crazy. Even my mother who grew up in a small town, where everyone did thier own thing, has learned to conform to society here. I'm not happy...
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