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cloak's Profile - Journals
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just un-married
By » cloak on Mon Aug 22, 2005
frenetic laughs on my allongé. the girl at the café couldn't even figure what allongé meant anyway. strangers are more romantic than anyone i'll know too much.
free+attraction in your space
By » cloak on Sat Aug 13, 2005
the pastings on the walls, a canvas filled with scribbles and uneven lines. there was free beer for all of us, posers. i made stickers during the day but they were not even worth putting away, they stuck to me and i promised myself tomorrow i'd do something better. i noticed for the...
sane as hell
By » cloak on Thu Aug 11, 2005
1 Comment
cesar the mexican calls me "la chilanga canadiense", which means "the canadian girl from mexico city". together we headbash to music and speak in dirty slang. i've been drawing random things everyday to give them to my co-worker françois. sometimes it will be tapes with noses, other...
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cloak's Profile - Journals