Journals |
Dernier week-endBy » OliilO on Sun Aug 6, 20061 Comment | Jeudi ballade Jack l'eventreur. Vendredi a Cambridge superbe,punting. Vendredi soir The Fabric - Pendulum, Scratch perverts... MALADE!!!! Samedi... Dimanche Pattersea Park - fete nationale Jamaiquaine - petanque et mega picnic |
without a wordBy » eatingownbrain on Sat Aug 5, 20060 Comments | lost in a name is a being, unable to grasp itself by a single fragment of syllables, unable to be in one word, one thought. four letters are me, four letters are my humanity. falliable language you shame us with your system! i won't let you name me, call me nothing, call me with the... |
Une journee vedge a LondresBy » OliilO on Wed Aug 2, 20060 Comments | Alors aujourd'hui de l'internet pour ecouter de la musique underground (ca a plus ou moins marche...) Un bon riz frit avec le reste d'hier. Un petit tour dehors. Beaucoup de gens (surtout des cyclistes) portent des masques pour ne pas absorber la mega pollution. Une sieste. Marie qui obtient UN... |
LondresBy » OliilO on Wed Aug 2, 20060 Comments | Bon, juste quelques lignes pour que je n'oublie pas un tas de trucs de mon voyage. Malgre ma difficulte a bien me souvenir de tout samedi soir dernier etait memorable. On est sorti au Astor (club du centre ville - vraiment rien d'extraordinaire). On y a bu de la vodka-redbull a 10livres... |
If you don't love what you do, why don't you do what you love?By » Screwhead on Tue Aug 1, 20060 Comments | It's funny how I only seem to write these things when I'm scared. For the past month and a half I've been having all sorts of abdominal pains. I've been rather stupid, only waiting untill it really hurts before going to see a doctor, which is usually just an emergency room hack who tells me the... |
Oh putain!By » OliilO on Sun Jul 30, 20061 Comment | Oh putain! Hier: je ne me souviens plus.... |
2ndBy » OliilO on Fri Jul 28, 20060 Comments | Bon alors London semble [etre une ville vraiment folle. Je suis situe en plein coeur de l action et j ai commence a reperer des trucs vraiment interessnt comme plein de magasin de musique underground. Il y a une petit rue qui en est farcie juste a cote de la maison... Je pense bien me faire un... |
First day in LondonBy » OliilO on Thu Jul 27, 20060 Comments | Alors apres une petite sieste l apres et une blade en debut de soiree a Trafalgar square et a green park (il y a la des chaises longue, alors innocemment je m installe, ca ne prend pas deux secondes qu un homme en vert vient me demander 1.5 pounds!!!) Ne jamais oublier, rien mais absolument rien n... |
promotion, promotion, promotionBy » Le_D on Thu Jul 27, 20060 Comments | I know, it's been a while since I posted something. Two reasons. One, I was pretty busy these last few days. Two, with the new ravewave, I was afraid the whole entry would get deleted once I hit the "add entry" key. I've been raving a lot recently. Promoting for Time Machine makes me go to every... |
Vacances 2006By » OliilO on Wed Jul 26, 20060 Comments | July, 26 4:32 pm After delays due to electromagnetic storms, I finally get to London at 4:20 am. Good sign isn t it. Not much proble; zith th accent... This city is impressive. I live between Picadilly Circus and Leicester Square at a friend s place. He even got a room especially for me!! I... |
In the beginningBy » Screwhead on Sat Jul 22, 20060 Comments | Consider this journals section as sort of a diary/autobiography. I will be rambling in this section every once in a while with anecdotes as I remember them. I don't want your pitty, I don't want your sympathies, I just want to be remembered. There's a saying that I read years ago that I will... |
1#By » PaT_ on Thu Jul 20, 20060 Comments | This is my journal. |
What makes a good partyBy » Le_D on Thu Jul 13, 20060 Comments | Promoters don't make good parties, ravers and djs do. A promoter's job is to convince people that his party's gonna be great. Once people are convinced, they actually do the job themselves. Okay, maybe the drugs are in part responsible too. They're 3 different aspects to a party; the music, the vibe... |
I am becoming an emokid!By » Spyke on Tue Jul 11, 20060 Comments | I am becoming an emokid! I feel reject; got no friends on my list. Please make friend with me! I promise to be a good boy. |
The wonders of the internetBy » Le_D on Sat Jul 8, 20060 Comments | The internet is a great way to pass a message, and what better way for everyone to say what they have to say than a message board? I'm talking about rave message boards of course. It's fun, it's a good way to know about parties and it's full of drama. It's also a good way to realize that raves... |
DjsBy » FreeLotus on Thu Jun 29, 20062 Comments | I just found out that im going to see ROBB mother fuckin GEE Play. I can now die a happy death :) Another Check on The List! ...and ya know what? It never happened.. what the fuck. all I asked for Was a little Hardcore, come on, Give me what I asked for.. I hate being let... |
That new anti-smoking law.By » Le_D on Thu Jun 29, 20060 Comments | Everyone has heard of it, some non smokers are happy, some smokers are pissed and a lot of people just don't care. The law's been here for a month now. Everyone who's been raving during this month saw the results; people spend the whole night outside. Now, the first thing that comes to my mind... |
What's wrong with the rave sceneBy » Le_D on Fri Jun 23, 20063 Comments | Yay, first blog entry! I intend to use this as my blog on the rave scene. I always loved to talk about it, so I figured writing about it here would be the best thing to do. First, this is just my opinion on the scene, no drama please, I'm not accusing anyone in particular here. Now, feel free to... |
a reason whyBy » AYkiN0XiA on Tue Jun 20, 20060 Comments | you, the one who can play music and... you touch me with the sound. please touch me again, rock me a million ways with your magic hands the sounds in the air touch my skin in the thick air of a summer night it's the beauty that makes me come, the emotions, the sounds. you play me like a... |
before sleepBy » eatingownbrain on Tue Jun 20, 20063 Comments | Darkness creeping in- deadly nightshade memories resurface after spanning several grassroot utopias, now the happy human faces are melting and twisted. Eyes removed from sockets are empty-blind, crying now dead- now decayed organic matter that once covered the visionary walls of these pits. Time... |
Unissons-nousBy » MoKBaNanA on Sat Jun 17, 20060 Comments | Dans ta main une seconde Dans la mienne l'éternité -kiki- |
Le tempsBy » MoKBaNanA on Sat Jun 17, 20061 Comment | Le passé, c'était hier. Ce sera demain. Le présent est une illusion, ne dure pas. Le présent est une situation, une émotion éphémère. Le présent n'est qu'un pas de plus vers le passé. Le futur, de son côté, n'est que l'espoir du présent, une pensée, une projection. C'est un... |
les motsBy » MoKBaNanA on Sat Jun 17, 20061 Comment | N'absorbe pas trop les mots. Ce ne sont que des lettres qui se tiennent par la main. -kiki- |
Désolé!By » MoKBaNanA on Sat Jun 17, 20061 Comment | --Excusez-moi, puis-je entrer? On m'a dit que je me trouvais ici!---- -kiki- |
Mon nuage..By » MoKBaNanA on Sat Jun 17, 20062 Comments | Haut perchée sur mon nuage d'inquiétude J'absorbe les images du présent Qui filent et se faufilent dans ma tête Cherchant un endroit ou mettre pied, Combattant l'anxiété qui est anormalement reine de mes pensées et qui ne se gêne pas pour prendre toute la place. Trop de questions sont... |
La terre est en guerreBy » MoKBaNanA on Sat Jun 17, 20061 Comment | Si nous respirons aussi aisément La terre, de son côté, s'époumone A force de crier à ses habitants innocents De l'écouter au moins quelques secondes Il suffit pourtant de tendre l'oreille Ou mieux encore de regarder autour; Ce n'est plus la peine de chercher l'issue de secours... |
sixty hour discourseBy » eatingownbrain on Tue Jun 6, 20065 Comments | Slowly, lone wanderer, now a charmed thoughtful process of ever-becoming; the fragments of my inarticulate awakenings leap onto pages incomplete and trickle down the primordial walls of a cave filled with fairytales; in lucid dreams my make-believe is your make-believe is the other’s make-believe... |
RevivedBy » Dauc on Mon Jun 5, 20060 Comments | ... |
The Obscure Rambalings of a Dislexic, ADD Ridden, Irelin Syndrom, Paranoia Nut CaseBy » Sparker13 on Mon Jun 5, 20060 Comments | I just want to have fun and when I came to the US everyone was pretty up tight They are mean and vandictive manny times and they don't seem to want to be happy. what the hell? Smile everyone feal the love and peace ect. I don,t know I gess everyone can be like that but it sucks. |
The LandBy » moondancer on Thu Jun 1, 20060 Comments | somehow you showed me there was sunshine in my skin. now even when it rains i can find that warmth within. fair lady, i want to go now, to the land from wence you came, to find your name, to find your name. trickling underneath my skin, the light within', fair child be warned there is no sin... |
eeEeeBy » XxXAnGeXxX on Wed May 31, 20060 Comments | BOuuuuuuuuuu!!! JuSte in Ptit bonJOurrR A TlmMmmmmmmmmmmmm... Puis UhMmm.. De pas Vs GeneR pr Vnir MpaRler.. jMOrD Pas PEnTOute.. Chu HautE komMe 3 PommeS =D FaCk.. GeNeR Vs pas !! oxoxox |
sleeplessBy » eatingownbrain on Tue May 30, 20060 Comments | in my head a hundred moments of starry realization in the dark cosmic basement of the French Bath- a history of counter culture vibrating through acoustic space. in my head the faces of old people clay-like with cracks and folds and hollowed-out places- sunken by the smog of the city. in... |
Le SourireBy » BooTcHou3 on Tue May 30, 20062 Comments | ¤*¤Un sourire ne coute rien mais a une grande valeur il enrichit ceux ki le recoivent sans appauvrir ceux ki le donnent il dure un instant mais on sen souvient longtemps personne n'est assez riche pour sen passer meme les pauvres peuvent le posséder quand nous sommes fatigués il nous encourage... |
figée dans mon élan...depuis quand?By » Maygic on Mon May 29, 20062 Comments | Il y a eu cette lueur dans mon oueil ..s'était chaud et aveuglant... la rétine roussit par la soleil, le crâne gratiné, mon cerveau bien cramé... le sang bouillie je sublime... je me traine vers la lumière brulante, déja depuis combien de temp? depuis cent eons... figée dans dans mon... |
shaaaaaaa- naaaaaayyyyyBy » skitz on Mon May 22, 20060 Comments | [zig zag man] YOU ARE TOOO HIGH!!!!! WAY TOO HIGH!!!! food for thought on my crazy trip: imagine this; a fat stick man in spinning class wearing a helmet!!!! CLOWN SHOEING ROUND!!!! |
twsitedBy » eatingownbrain on Thu May 18, 20060 Comments | i'm blind, i must be... to be here, now. give in to the black, the dark where what seperates us simply isn't infinity contradicts our social order and i'm facing the firing squad, in my facist state. the reformists, those liberal thinkers, are trying to kill me softly... with... |
pleaseBy » four on Thu May 11, 20060 Comments | we go.. |
Fear or LoveBy » FaUst on Wed May 10, 20067 Comments | Things we do in our lifes are motivated by two basic emotions... Fear... And Love We are afraid to be we meet new people because we don't want to be... We are afraid of broking up with someone because of the unknown that is in front of us if we do.... We can also be afraid... |
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