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By » BomBolenath on Fri Nov 24, 2006
1 Comment
Summers in the sand. Or is it those sticky summer nights with a 40 in hand. No matter how many games this wild mind of mine may play with me, I've still got those memories. I'll never forget mush tripping in the forest with Katie. That very well might have been one of the most magical mush trips...
By » Mushboom on Tue Nov 21, 2006
well i just made my account here on rave.ca because my friends convinced me its better than edmm.ca lol.
If you have to do drugs...
By » Le_D on Mon Nov 20, 2006
...then do E, it's fun for the whole family! Seriously, while you all know I'm not a big drug fan (at least, not anymore), I do understand that raves wouldn't exist if it weren't for those little pills. In fact, drugs have shaped the scene into what it is today. Just listen to oldcschool music...
By » narfette on Mon Nov 20, 2006
il doit avoir plus dans la vie que se reunir dans le noir, se cachant derriere la drogue pour se convaincre que tout va bien, mais tout ne va pas bien. on m'a fait remarquer que j'ai un oeil plus petit que l'autre; je n'ai pas ose repondre que c'est pour cacher le manque de vie qu'il y a derriere...
By » shin_star3 on Sun Nov 19, 2006
'Un long dimanche...'' Tenter d'expliquer Que dans cet chambre j'y ai perdu la clé Depuis, je tente de la retrouvrer Encore embêtée par mes gestes négligés J'abandonne tout espoir, je délaisse toute volonté Douloureuse passion disparaît sans raison Cesse de te moquer de ma...
By » Shango on Sat Nov 18, 2006
pls donate to the narfette does southamerika fund
By » narfette on Wed Nov 15, 2006
1 Comment
I'm going to need as much help as i can get, so here goes: I am travelling SOLO to South America from Feb to May 2007. Anyone care to share their travelling experiences in Peru, Chile, Argentina and Bolivia for <b>a young marginalized white chick travelling alone and with very litle...
music when the lights go out
By » Mister_Tee on Tue Nov 14, 2006
Is it cruel or kind not to speak my mind and to lie to you rather than hurt you? And I'll confess all of of my sins after several large gins but still I'll hide from you: hide what's inside from you. And alarm bells ring when you say your heart still sings when you're with me. Won't you...
I am my own antithesis
By » Screwhead on Sat Nov 11, 2006
Fuckin' IBS has fucked me up so much more than I thought possible. I've had to completely change myself around. Against my will, I've been turned into a straight-edge vegetarian, and I fucking hate it. No alcohol, no smoking of any kind, no caffeine, no carbonated beverages, no chocolate, nothing...
vivre ta vie
By » the_pink_popo on Fri Nov 10, 2006
pourkoi la vie est-elle si injuste, pourkoi ma tete est si fucker? des questions et des reponses ont en a toujours. mais esce le bonnes questions ou les bonnes reponse? qui peut savoir ce ki est bon ou mal? les questions sur la vie, il en a des milliers, mais les reponses on les cherches pendant...
By » eatingownbrain on Fri Nov 10, 2006
today poetry infuriates me. lions won't sleep by lullabies, night is for the hunt. today the world is dully rotating. more orphans to AIDS, and thirty thousand children die because humanity is dreaming. wake up. today is not a story to create, and futility fuels academic...
controversies in subjective psychosis a.k.a: philosophy
By » eatingownbrain on Tue Nov 7, 2006
Forgeting, I am released from a pain I was sure would endure… sometimes hoped it would… a reassuring reminder of my faith. In this line of reasoning martyrs are cowards, they are dependant on the constant validation of their belief which they achieve through self-mutilation; unnecessary...
Allegory of the Cave - Plato
By » uglyposergirl on Sun Nov 5, 2006
1 Comment
Imagine prisoners who have been chained since childhood deep inside a cave. Not only are their limbs immobilized by the chains; their heads are chained as well so that their gaze is fixed on a wall. Behind the prisoners is an enormous fire, and between the fire and the prisoners is a raised...
I'm still alive...
By » Le_D on Wed Nov 1, 2006
Wow, I haven't written anything here for a while now. To be honest, I wasn't really motivated to talk about the rave scene lately. Few good parties have been happening, and quite honestly, I haven't really had fun at a rave since Time Machine. It doesn't mean that the parties sucked, it means I...
By » shin_star3 on Mon Oct 30, 2006
Comme je t'aime et je peux te hair a la fois Toi et ta cadence, ton silence Et ton intouchable innocence Cesse de me tenter Insolente Comme tu encombres mes pensées par des milliers d'idées Laisse moi me perdre en toi sans remords Délaisse ma raison pour une soirée Qu'un seul moment...
By » oreade on Sun Oct 29, 2006
Entre Ce que tu penses, Ce que tu veux mixer, Ce que tu crois mixer, Ce que tu mixes, Ce que j'ai envie d'entendre, Ce que je crois ressentir, Ce que je ressens, Ce que j'ai envie de danser, Ce que je danse, Il y a une multitude de possibilités qu'on ait des difficultés...
I miss you love
By » Kee_Vee on Sun Oct 29, 2006
Millionaire say Got a big shot deal And thrown it all away but But I'm not too sure How I'm supposed to feel Or what I'm supposed to say But I'm not, not sure, Not too sure how it feels To handle every day And I miss you love Make room for the prey 'Cause I'm coming in With what I...
The truth
By » Kee_Vee on Sun Oct 29, 2006
So here we are We are alone There’s weight on your mind I wanna know The truth If this is how you feel Say it to me If this was ever real I want the truth from you Give me the truth even if it hurts me I want the truth So this is you You're talking to me You found a million ways...
Goodbye my lover
By » Kee_Vee on Sun Oct 29, 2006
Did I disappoint you or let you down? Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown? 'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun, Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won. So I took what's mine by eternal right. Took your soul out into the night. It may be over but it won't stop...
Rave chat n sounds
By » StevieLiberator on Sat Oct 28, 2006
Squatjuice.com - truly grotesque rave forum, you'll love it DJmixtape.net - loads of great music Tribeofmunt.com - A London rig, good mixes n photos of munters avin it, top parties Check'em out
untouched land..
By » kinwah on Wed Oct 18, 2006
i am on my way to experience a new place with new people, i've lived in vancouver for 11 years and i know the whole city with my eyes closed. i've been in the scene for 7 years, and the underground scene for 5 years. it's awesome knowing every beautiful spot of a city, every great bar, every forest...
Unforseen Circumstances
By » BomBolenath on Fri Oct 13, 2006
“Working late?” Terra assumed out loud. Daniel stopped fixing his bagel and walked affectionately towards his wife. As she sat by the kitchen table, under the yellow of morning sun, his arms drifted to her shoulders. His hands worked her shoulders so wonderfully, his fingertips running...
Awen, Oh; Inderlude of Myth
By » BomBolenath on Fri Oct 13, 2006
Inside a delicate maddened mind rests an uneven peace. Alone, on a struggle, the shadows are overtaking him. He sits by the pool and for a moment all is still. Gentle tucking winds arise; chaos magic begins filtering through. In another corner, there is no hope, only despair. Yet on the other hand...
By » DeionPuckett on Wed Oct 11, 2006
http://www.echecalaguerre.org/ http://www.cmaq.net http://www.agendamilitant.info/ http://reseaumedia.info/ pleins de liens pertinents www.shac.net vs. cruauté animale http://quebecsolidaire.net demain le monde... http://rame.uni.cc/ http://rame.uni.cc/ressources.html liens...
By » DeionPuckett on Tue Oct 10, 2006
http://www.techeblog.com/ +2b http://www.turborecords.ca http://rave.ca/?s=member&u=GRASP http://xvi.com/Your.Nightlife.Network/ http://www.vonyc.com/radio/ Hi, I saw you on the site and founded you interesting leave me a message to just chat around like that or to meet me -x-
By » AlienZeD on Tue Oct 10, 2006
You don't need a saviour, you are not in trouble or harm's way. The world would step up to protect you from harm, but do you know why? Why do people care so much about someone they don't know or someone they can't help? We are individuals and we know what we want, we know how we feel. Sometimes we...
By » lyls on Tue Oct 10, 2006
1 Comment
La première et la pire des impostures,consiste à se duper soi-même!!! Après cela,tous les mensonges sont facile..
By » lyls on Tue Oct 10, 2006
1 Comment
Juger autrui, cest se juger soi-même! (shakespeare)
By » Danz on Tue Oct 10, 2006
Cet envie de la trouver me hante depuis longtemps. J'ai eu beau avoir des blondes, et les aimer, celle-ci n'etaient pas les femmes de ma vie. Cette ''magie'' ne les entouraient pas a mes yeux. J'ai cet envie irresistible de trouver cette fille, celle avec qui ca va ''matcher'' a 100%. Pas que nous...
Psychoactive 3
By » TheGreatMagician on Mon Oct 9, 2006
What a fantastic night! It was a very nice vibe - thanks to all who contributed & thanks to the lovely audience. Yes, yes, white fans are a good mix with black lights.
Birth is not a diverson.
By » Smile on Mon Oct 9, 2006
To the girl without a clue… To the girl with acquiescence… To the girl with being brewing within her… Birth is not a diversion. Through flirtation and temptation you submitted to sensation, hoping to find exemption from overwhelming frustration. Now with this creation you prepare...
By » Lola on Sun Oct 8, 2006
1 Comment
Ok, like OMFG, I look so different now... coz... My mama cut my fuckin hair!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DRASTIC CHANGE HALF OF MY MANE IS GONE LIKE OMG I WAS LIKE DAMN I LOOK...
By » lyls on Thu Oct 5, 2006
1 Comment
il n`y a qu`une véritable d`éfaite:l`abandon...
The e Diet.
By » Liszs on Thu Oct 5, 2006
I've developed a new perspective on health based on safely using and recovering from partying too hardy. Some on the advices one might give an xtc user would apply to healthy living and happiness in general. The first is water. Keep hydrated as you might when you are rolling. Don't drink too much...
imagining answers
By » eatingownbrain on Sun Oct 1, 2006
Connected…what we live for? The eyes of the angels in my life have more depth now that I have love. Only fools banish love to wonderland, only fools let lightness of heart become an ephemeral spell. Even in the treacherous enclaves I have wandered through, in the void, and in my...
By » Phoenix on Thu Sep 28, 2006
01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101111 01110010 01100001 01110100 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01110010 01110101 01110100 01101000 00101100 00100000 01110000 01100101 01100001 01100011 01100101 00101100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101010...
By » Cya on Tue Sep 26, 2006
Et ouais, on a des nouveaux collèges Collèges de l'imunité on va faire des bons élèves Les enseignants seront armés, Les classes en bétons armé, Quand à la cour de récré, Conçu en fil barbelé. Et ouais, enfin une nouvelle éducation Travail, famille, patrie Educons la...
Nine Inch Nails - Closer
By » Mezion on Tue Sep 26, 2006
1 Comment
you let me violate you you let me desecrate you you let me penetrate you you let me complicate you help me i broke apart my insides help me i've got no soul to sell help me the only thing that works for me help me get away from myself I want to fuck you like an animal I want to feel...
Nine Inch Nails - The Great Below
By » Mezion on Mon Sep 25, 2006
staring at the sea will she come? is there hope for me after all is said and done anything at any price all of this for you all the spoils of a wasted life all of this for you all the world has closed her eyes tired faith all worn and thin for all we could have done and all that could...
By » AlienZeD on Mon Sep 25, 2006
When your life flashes before your eyes. All you notice are the moments you most cared about and logic takes a trip far from your mind. You act on instinct or you don't act at all and even though you don't understand anything for all it involves, your mind is clear. When your whole life flashes in...
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