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News (Media Awareness Project)
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PublishedMedia Awareness Project (134905 Articles)WordsLines
2005-05-28US NC: Editorial: Traffic Stops A Valuable Tool42063
2005-05-28US CO: OPED: Undercover Work Ethically Shaky793114
2005-05-28US VA: PUB LTE: Drug Czar Challenged40852
2005-05-27US GU: Prisoners Positive For Ice57383
2005-05-27US AZ: Mesa High School Students Are Caught Up In Drug Sting50262
2005-05-27US: Study - Anti-Pot Ads Are Dopey25444
2005-05-27US VA: Meth Cycle Shows No Signs Of Stopping1055148
2005-05-27US NC: PUB LTE: War On Drugs Moves Us Closer To Being A Police22732
2005-05-27US FL: Ricky Will Do Rehab50177
2005-05-27US MA: State Presents Substance Abuse Strategy39547
2005-05-27US NC: SBI Probe Of Detective Causes 3 Case Dismissals61680
2005-05-27US MO: Deal Sought For Pot Law53574
2005-05-27US NC: Task Force Aims To Fight Meth Problem38451
2005-05-27US NY: Former Police Officer Gets Nearly Eight Years For18526
2005-05-27US WV: Column: City Councils Must Deal With Crime883110
2005-05-27US OK: PUB LTE: Drug Use Drops Spontaneously15728
2005-05-27US FL: Jurors Asked To Decide If Port St Lucie Doctor Ran 'Pill56379
2005-05-27US CA: Medical Marijuana Proponents Object To Stricter814125
2005-05-27US NJ: Elmwood Park Gets Upper Hand In Drug War787115
2005-05-27US WV: Police Pursuing Leads In Slayings39966
2005-05-27US TX: Federal Agents Found More Than 8 Tons Of Marijuana9415
2005-05-27US VA: Kilgore Praises Area's Drug Court Successes42763
2005-05-27US CA: Hayward Pot Dispensary Robbed At Gunpoint29448
2005-05-27US CA: Action Held On Cannabis Club Permits60375
2005-05-26US MO: Interviews Complete In Case Of Drug Tests923129
2005-05-26US CA: China Appeals For Help To Fight Drugs44455
2005-05-26US TN: Response Unit To Aid Recovery Of Children Exposed To Meth32746
2005-05-26US TN: Editorial: Fine-Tune Fight Against Meth25433
2005-05-26US CO: PUB LTE: Minutemen Peering In The Wrong Direction16425
2005-05-26US MA: Everybody Knows That Dealin' Ain't Allowed At School31939
2005-05-26US MA: Editorial: Educated Approach To Oxycontin62472
2005-05-26US IA: Proposed Bill Would Hold Drug Dealers Civilly Liable39753
2005-05-26US RI: Blais, Raptakis Explain Medical Marijuana Qualms42859
2005-05-26US MA: SHS Teens Debate Drug Testing In Schools52372
2005-05-26US NC: Column: Call Off The War On Drugs867102
2005-05-26US OH: Ohio State To Expand Random Drug Testing40749
2005-05-26US PA: Editorial: Drug Court Graduation Highlights Struggle26636
2005-05-26US TN: PUB LTE: Police Stereotyping Is Old Practice26932
2005-05-26US MA: Dad Details Raid By DEA969117
2005-05-26US TN: PUB LTE: Judge Followed Clear State Laws (4 Of 5)12119
2005-05-26US TN: PUB LTE: Judge Followed Clear State Laws (5 Of 5)9917
2005-05-26US TN: PUB LTE: Judge Followed Clear State Laws (3 Of 5)5612
2005-05-26US TN: PUB LTE: Judge Followed Clear State Laws (2 Of 5)9816
2005-05-26US CA: LA County Considers Marijuana Zoning Laws14321
2005-05-26US TN: PUB LTE: Judge Followed Clear State Laws (1 Of 5)49855
2005-05-26US KS: Officials -- Drug Tests A Deterrent56071
2005-05-26US: PUB LTE: Is Drug Testing in Schools Accomplishing the Objective13827
2005-05-26US NC: Pub LTE: So Then, The Bible Says It's Ok To Eat10517
2005-05-26US VA: Edu: Whole Plant Cannabis Medicine Needed On Market1257123
2005-05-26US NC: Parents The Anti-Drug For Children63085
2005-05-26US NC: Pub LTE: Research Shows Medical Marijuana Helps Many16020
2005-05-26US MA: Healey Offers Strategy For Substance Abuse79982
2005-05-26US TX: PUB LTE: Harmless Herb19032
2005-05-26US VA: Meth Labs Can Be Anywhere - Maybe Next Door1059143
2005-05-26US OH: Local High-School Drug Testing Prompts Mixed Reactions1488188
2005-05-26US WA: Commissioners Lay Out Thriftier Meth Battle Plan51171
2005-05-26US KY: New Location Sought For Rehab Center1101158
2005-05-26US CT: OPED: Don't Underestimate The Danger Of Marijuana Use920134
2005-05-26US CT: Deluca Criticizes Senate34838
2005-05-26US WY: Speakers Give Meth Education61493
2005-05-26US CA: Truckee To Regulate Pot Shops26138
2005-05-26US CA: City Clarifies Rules For Smoking In Parks24735
2005-05-26US NC: Police Oppose Youth Bill40853
2005-05-26US MT: Paraphe-nail-ya32043
2005-05-26US CA: PUB LTE: Marijuana Support11425
2005-05-25US FL: Drug Activity Sparks City To Shut Store32643
2005-05-25US NC: Money For Safe, Drug-Free Schools In Peril67786
2005-05-25US CA: Whatever Its Sins, Pot Is Not Poisonous21126
2005-05-25US CA: Turlock Ponders Some Peculiar Pipes49265
2005-05-25US FL: Validity Of Search Warrant Attacked769105
2005-05-25US MS: Drug Money Will Let DARE Be Debt Free30440
2005-05-25US FL: Deadly Raid Under Review39451
2005-05-25US NJ: Web Site Outrages Assembly Battlers710104
2005-05-25US AL: Limits On Ephedrine Pill Sale Now Law27742
2005-05-25US AL: Marshall Gets $500K Grant To Fight Drugs23632
2005-05-25US WV: Editorial: Violence In Fairfield West Is A Tri-State Problem51670
2005-05-25US MA: Seized Drug $$ Used On Backlog Of Fingerprints26435
2005-05-25US FL: Vanity Plate Spells Out Methamphetamine20327
2005-05-25US IL: PUB LTE: Telling The Truth About The Drug War20229
2005-05-25US NC: Editorial: Get Tougher41853
2005-05-25US FL: PUB LTE: Treating Pain Difficult27152
2005-05-25US FL: Pharmacists Express Concern Over Quantity Of Luyao43663
2005-05-25US MA: Results From The Youth Risk Behavior Survey963119
2005-05-25US NY: PUB LTE: Perhaps Government Should Rethink Priorities18028
2005-05-25US FL: Ex-Cop To Get New Sentence1147152
2005-05-25US CA: Editorial: Is Neighborhood Going To Pot?47062
2005-05-25US VA: Drug Forum Draws National Interest60480
2005-05-25US CA: Vote Delayed On Cap For Pot Clubs40852
2005-05-25US CA: Supervisors Delay Vote On Medical Marijuana Ordinance38950
2005-05-25US MA: PUB LTE: A Bad Law Produces Unjust Results31335
2005-05-25US MA: Senate Urges OD Reporting62873
2005-05-25US AL: PUB LTE: Jail Not Solution To Drug Problem15927
2005-05-25US WI: LTE: Greetings From Meth55648
2005-05-25US WI: Column: Rehab Chief Says Drug Use Not A Surprise837109
2005-05-25US IA: Pub LTE: It's Time For A Change54154
2005-05-25US MA: PUB LTE: Tough Drug Sentence 'A Blessing In Disguise'24229
2005-05-25US MA: State Would Mandate Overdose Reporting61976
2005-05-25US NC: LTE: Some Try To Use Bible To Justify Their Way Of17521
2005-05-25US OH: Drug Test Sneaks Up On Mayor Melfi40156
2005-05-25US AL: Law Puts Cold Drugs Behind The Counter26636
2005-05-25US FL: Drug War Soldiers On, Colombia Says49160
2005-05-25US TX: PUB LTE: Supporter Of Searches Might Lack Experience21834
2005-05-25US KY: PUB LTE: Addicts Need, Want Help15025
2005-05-25US ME: Old Town High Conducts Drug Search781104
2005-05-25US AL: Riley Signs Bill Limiting Access To Cold Medicine38063
2005-05-25US MA: PUB LTE: Student Drug Testing Is Not The Answer29432
2005-05-25US NV: Letter: Clean Slate25829
2005-05-25US IL: Police Share Advice For Spotting Drug Deals In Your931124
2005-05-25US IL: Parents, School Try To Curb Drug Use45567
2005-05-25US GA: K-9 Units Train In Aragon, Rockmart51863
2005-05-25US IN: Ruling Reverses Gary Lawyer's Conviction52273
2005-05-25US IN: Former Meth Addict Turned Pastor Shares Story Of63381
2005-05-25US SC: OPED: Community Taking Action Against Drugs53360
2005-05-25US NV: PUB LTE: Cut The Red Tape Around Medical Pot25338
2005-05-25US AL: Governor Signs Meth Bill Into Law18434
2005-05-25US NV: Editorial: Taking The Initiative68390
2005-05-25US NC: Glenville Man Continues Fight to Legalize Medical775127
2005-05-24US AZ: Drug Treatment Center Plans Teen Program44361
2005-05-24US AZ: Neighbors To March Against Crime In Isaac24632
2005-05-24US OH: Heroin Is On A Killing Spree25131
2005-05-24US CA: Editorial: Regulating Pot Clubs20130
2005-05-24US AL: State -- Few Prisoners Eligible For Parole915124
2005-05-24US: Bush Seeks End to Afghan Drugs51283
2005-05-24US Blames Britain Over Afghan Poppies35858
2005-05-24US: Arrested Development1830207
2005-05-24US MA: No Lack Of Ideas In Dealing With OxyContin Issue54475
2005-05-24US MA: Hearing Seeks Answers In OxyContin Abuse21733
2005-05-24US MA: Editorial: OxyContin Ban Goes Too Far27533
2005-05-24US TX: Fannin Discusses Anti-Drug Program37148
2005-05-24US MA: OPED: Lynch -- OxyContin's Dangers Outweigh Its Benefits54166
2005-05-24US TX: PUB LTE: Regulating Distribution of Drugs Would Hit Pocketbooks of Drug C37050
2005-05-24US: PUB LTE: War on Drugs Becomes 'Waste of Time'12024
2005-05-24US WI: Judge Frees Addict Mom75095
2005-05-24US TX: PUB LTE: Time To Reform The Drug War20531
2005-05-24US PA: Clarion DA Aaron Switches To Republican Party30656
2005-05-24US IN: Judge Overturns Jury Verdict In Money Laundering Case49870
2005-05-24US: PUB LTE: War on Drugs Becomes 'Waste of Time'17632
2005-05-24US: PUB LTE: War on Drugs Becomes 'Waste of Time'11922
2005-05-24US NC: Local Police Program Takes Spotlight24241
2005-05-24US FL: PUB LTE: An Anti-Crime Solution10317
2005-05-24US MA: Judges Deride Seizure Of Bail Money By Police58164
2005-05-24US CA: PUB LTE: Congress Won't Slow Steroid Use10716
2005-05-24US TN: LTE: Thanks For Nothing, Judge16121
2005-05-24US AZ: PUB LTE: A War Nobody Wins22532
2005-05-24US NJ: WT BOE Survey Questions Parents On Drug Testing23634
2005-05-24US FL: Cocaine Seizures Set Record55969
2005-05-24US CO: Police Weeds Out Marijuana From Mall Planting Bed13322
2005-05-24US CT: Editorial: Bring Drug Penalties Into Line30439
2005-05-24US TN: 5th Lawman Involved In Beatings Sent To Jail34253
2005-05-23US VA: Editorial: Tough on Gangs, Hard on States38358
2005-05-23US MI: Debate on Random Drug Testing of Students Returns to47159
2005-05-23US: Column: Higher Risk5980673
2005-05-23US MA: Editorial: Beyond Drug Testing37749
2005-05-23US NC: Residents Say Anti-Crime Initiative Is Making Difference28641
2005-05-23US WV: PUB LTE: Meth Bill Is Only A Temporary Band-Aid19834
2005-05-23US MA: Column: OxyContin Ban Not The Answer65778
2005-05-23US KY: Crystal Meth Use Growing33048
2005-05-23US CA: LTE: Durham On The Right Track24331
2005-05-23US: Article: Crystal Meth, The Internet, And Dangerous Choices5983672
2005-05-23US MA: Officials, Students Just Say No To Drug Testing50255
2005-05-23US MA: Officials, Students Just Say No To Drug Testing75589
2005-05-23US: Web: Mothers in Chains1291149
2005-05-23US NC: PUB LTE: Drug Testing Ineffective20036
2005-05-23US UT: PUB LTE: Legalization Of Marijuana Closes Hard-Drug Gateway13931
2005-05-23US OH: Alex Poised to Approve Drug Testing33146
2005-05-23US OR: PUB LTE: Drug Testing Makes No Impact10220
2005-05-23US MA: PUB LTE: Drug Tests At School? That's Absurd15122
2005-05-23US MA: Editorial: Healey Plan Misguided25239
2005-05-23US MA: Drug Tests Take A Hit46659
2005-05-23US OK: House Finds Money To Expand State Drug Court Program52165
2005-05-23US OK: Editorial: Worthy Investment -- Expansion Of Drug31133
2005-05-23US TN: LTE: The Public Will Be Nervous Enough13422
2005-05-23US MS: New Coalition Director To Take Different Focus On Prevention28943
2005-05-23US RI: Column: Marijuana Is Justified As Medicine59574
2005-05-23US MS: Column: If She Says Yes And He Says No, What's A Police73477
2005-05-23US: US Memo Critical Of Afghan President's Efforts On Heroin41455
2005-05-22US IA: Long Session For Legislature Is Productive1006139
2005-05-22US AL: Drug Offenders Mend Their Ways With Quilts62495
2005-05-22US CO: Lessons In Survival1965295
2005-05-22US LA: Pain Addiction Death2210282
2005-05-22US GU: Ways To Say 'No'52484
2005-05-22US TX: Hill Country Schools Look To Add, Expand Drug Testing64197
2005-05-22US PA: OPED: The New Howard Hughes1623192
2005-05-22US AK: PUB LTE: Close Gateway By Legalizing Pot17434
2005-05-22US MA: PUB LTE: Sentencing Law Promotes Injustice48751
2005-05-22US MA: Mass. Planning 'Sobriety Schools'82987
2005-05-22US IL: Ottawa Not Turning Blind Eye To Drug Use1323209
2005-05-22US TX: Don't Vex About Me, I'm Drug Free1489213
2005-05-22US NY: PUB LTE: Drastic Cuts21238
2005-05-22US IL: Editorial: Mandatory Minimums a Smoke Screen53965
2005-05-22US CA: Cannabis Club May Be Opening Its Doors Locally879125
2005-05-22US MA: OxyContin -- A Matter Of Survival979130
2005-05-22US NY: OPED: Cutting Teen Marijuana Use Calls For More Than Tough Policing888107
2005-05-22US CA: Counties At Odds In Marijuana Court Case63582
2005-05-22US NC: LTE: You Don't Help Addicts By Supplying Needles5613
2005-05-22US MA: State Exploring 'Sobriety' Schools979118
2005-05-22US OR: LTE: Fight Against Meth May Be Missing Big Targets19827
2005-05-22US ND: Youth -- Their Day In Court1118139
2005-05-22US UT: Meth Trade Gears Up On Utah Roads1173160
2005-05-22US MA: Edu: University Feels After-Effects Of Student's1334180
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News (Media Awareness Project)