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News (Media Awareness Project)
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PublishedMedia Awareness Project (134905 Articles)WordsLines
2005-07-27US IL: OPED: Prevention Key To Winning Meth War58775
2005-07-27US TN: Editorial: Seizure Laws Out Of Control39454
2005-07-27US NC: Sheriff Mark Shook Educates Congress About Meth935119
2005-07-27US IL: Column: Learning Lessons From The Drug War60474
2005-07-27US CA: Santa Cruz Approves Medical Pot Shop40062
2005-07-27US TN: Meth Lab Seizures Down 59% Since Same Time Last Year46265
2005-07-27US NC: Positives And Negatives1000122
2005-07-27US NC: PUB LTE: Don't Let The Facts Bother You14521
2005-07-27US AZ: Teens Learn Healthy Habits At Institute44457
2005-07-27US TX: Police Look Into Drug Dog68489
2005-07-27US OK: Editorial: Our Better Meth Law46460
2005-07-27US KY: State Grants Reduce Budget Cuts For The Narcotics Task Force47276
2005-07-26US CA: Bill Would Break Barrier To Education Aid838131
2005-07-26US IA: Soldier Avoids Removal For Use Of Meth46257
2005-07-26US FL: Editorial: Antidrug Overkill32442
2005-07-26US WV: Editorial: Meth Dealers Make Cold, Flu Season Worse32739
2005-07-26US: Hearing Will Raise Heat On Drug Czar1219162
2005-07-26US: Editorial: Washington Responds To 'Meth'69188
2005-07-26US MA: Pignatelli Takes Aim At Drug Law928107
2005-07-26US AL: PUB LTE: Let's Legalize Marijuana In State20633
2005-07-26US CA: OPED: Controlling Medical Pot Is Not Such an Out-Of-Control Idea81593
2005-07-26US FL: PUB LTE: Limbaugh Should Work To Free Jailed Floridian15223
2005-07-26US FL: LTE: Rooted In Colonialism15820
2005-07-26US IL: State's Attorney Will Run In '0657477
2005-07-26US VA: Prison Time In Drug Case Called Cruel43657
2005-07-26US GA: PUB LTE: Barrow's College-Aid Vote Unfair To Drug23232
2005-07-26US TX: PUB LTE: Tax Marijuana And Close The Gateway15525
2005-07-26US OR: LTE: Society Pays For Being Lenient On Meth Makers17225
2005-07-26US VT: PUB LTE: Waging War Against Sufferers26038
2005-07-26US MO: Proposal Threatens Anti-drug Efforts59385
2005-07-26US TX: PUB LTE: Restricting Liberty9519
2005-07-26US CA: Mayor Wants Pot Club Controversies To 'Go Away'34946
2005-07-26US OR: PUB LTE: Punishing Us For Stuffy Noses14521
2005-07-26US OR: PUB LTE: Legislators Grandstand On Meth13420
2005-07-26US UT: Editorial: Heroin's Perilous Return38750
2005-07-25US WA: US House At End Of Drug-Smuggling Tunnel Belongs To a Spokane Couple34749
2005-07-25US NC: Editorial: NC House Should Follow Senate's Lead In48358
2005-07-25US NC: McDowell County Has Most Meth Labs, SBI Says34946
2005-07-25US WI: Prescription Drug Abuse Doubled In US695109
2005-07-25US: Congress Is Asked To Delay Meth Sanctions62988
2005-07-25US: Why Is The DEA Hounding This Doctor?1570203
2005-07-25US: Why Is The DEA Hounding This Doctor?1583202
2005-07-25US MA: PUB LTE: The Biggest Drug Problem Is Meth19833
2005-07-25US FL: Editorial: Weed And Seed Will Be A Tough Row To Hoe62771
2005-07-25US IL: Police Confiscate 4 Basketball Hoops67596
2005-07-25US WI: Column: Don't Lie About Past Drug Use29537
2005-07-25US NC: Onslow County Spared Meth Menace - So Far858110
2005-07-25US MA: Editorial: Absurdity Rules At Manchester Essex60576
2005-07-25US PA: Teaching Drug Overdose Survival1259186
2005-07-25US RI: PUB LTE: America Is Hooked Not On Illegal Drugs But On18226
2005-07-25US IA: Editorial: Keep Crack Pipes Off Store Counters32046
2005-07-25US WA: New Weapons For War On Drugs60881
2005-07-25US MO: Kahoka Police Chief Arrested22833
2005-07-25US VA: Drug Convictions Wouldn't Prevent Some College Aid15521
2005-07-25US WV: Meth Law May Be Working49881
2005-07-25US WV: State's Marijuana Laws Range From Misdemeanor To Felonies34757
2005-07-25US FL: PUB LTE: Pot's Luck16734
2005-07-25US IN: PUB LTE: Cold Medication Law Is Better Than More Cells16628
2005-07-25US CA: PUB LTE: Medical Marijuana - Bono's Vote A Surprise15725
2005-07-25US OH: Despite Ample Opposition, School Board Won't Budge On Drug1144153
2005-07-25US TX: Drug Survey Concerns TISD Administrators38249
2005-07-24US WA: Spokane Couple Identified As Owners Of Tunnel House18328
2005-07-24US OK: OPED: Senate Bill Undermines Meth Fight54661
2005-07-24US OK: State Forfeiture Fee Law Muddled2321240
2005-07-24US SC: Opponents In Slow Burn Over Pot-Flavored Candy46860
2005-07-24US TX: LISD Part Of New Drug Task Force749115
2005-07-24US NC: County Rife With Meth Fights Back1355206
2005-07-24US LA: Editorial: Prepare Now To Fight Use Of Crystal Meth59081
2005-07-24US LA: Column: Addicts Need To Come Out From The Shadows783107
2005-07-24US LA: Meth Not Problem In St Landry Parish861106
2005-07-24US: Meth Hits Local Budgets23438
2005-07-24US: Budget To Cut Funds For Meth Fight62091
2005-07-24US LA: Recovering Meth Addict Recounts 10-Year Journey Of Meth77096
2005-07-24US OR: Meth's Clutch1750250
2005-07-24US NJ: LTE: Combined Efforts Can Defeat Drug Scourge25440
2005-07-24US FL: Meth 'Menace' On Rise Locally; Law Enforcers, Community1278161
2005-07-24US CA: PUB LTE: Pesticides8013
2005-07-24US NJ: OPED: State Doesn't Get Much Return For Enforcing Marijuana Laws63678
2005-07-24US WA: Qualified Police Candidates Getting Harder To Find1016148
2005-07-24US RI: OPED: Marijuana Laws Costly For R.I.65683
2005-07-24US FL: OPED: How About A Marijuana Sales Tax In Florida?637106
2005-07-24US FL: Ex-UF Professor Swung Bottle At Police, GPD Says22736
2005-07-24US FL: NFL Media Analysts Wary Of Ricky Williams28835
2005-07-24US CA: Santa Cruz Leaders To Decide Whether To Allow56689
2005-07-24US OH: PUB LTE: Anti-Marijuana Push Is Nonsense18535
2005-07-24US VA: PUB LTE: Funding Drug Treatment Programs Is Long-term21028
2005-07-24US VA: OPED: Drug Crisis - State Needs Meth Law That Makes73482
2005-07-24US FL: PUB LTE: Don't Force All29038
2005-07-24US MS: Editorial: Why Not Just Ban Pseudoephedrine?38348
2005-07-24US PA: Drugs Have Long Reach2182350
2005-07-24US NC: Federal Meth Bill Could Preempt State Law671111
2005-07-24US NY: Editorial: College aid21935
2005-07-24US FL: OPED: Schools, Drugs And Prisons853120
2005-07-24US CA: PUB LTE: Tax, Regulate Marijuana15628
2005-07-24US OK: Editorial: Feds Shouldn't Water Down State Meth Laws21223
2005-07-24US WV: Legalize Pot And Tax It? No Way, Say Lawmakers903146
2005-07-23US FL: Drug-Evidence Thief To Cover Costs Of Case36047
2005-07-23US NC: War On Meth May Lock Up Cold Meds1114138
2005-07-23US OK: OPED: Drug Courts Are Good Investment For State37046
2005-07-23US NY: OPED: Handcuffs And Stethoscopes66988
2005-07-23US FL: Doctor Gets 25 Years In Drug Case28440
2005-07-23US WA: Feds Shut Down Drug-Smuggling Tunnel44870
2005-07-23US WA: Drug-Smuggling Tunnel Shut Down24638
2005-07-23US WI: Column: Sensenbrenner Is Going From Bizarre To Bonkers731114
2005-07-23US FL: PUB LTE: Drugs - Another Answer15429
2005-07-23US AL: Lawrence Laments Loss Of Drug Unit Funds51473
2005-07-23US IL: PUB LTE: Criminal Justice System Not Very Equal22927
2005-07-23US MA: Capeless Unlikely To Drop Drug Cases80689
2005-07-23US NY: OPED: Even The Cops Know Meth Is Worse Than Marijuana45856
2005-07-23US TX: Police Go Back To High Schools36754
2005-07-23US CA: Gift Shop Goes To Pot In Oakland, But No One Pans It62982
2005-07-23US AL: Editorial: Welcome County's New Drugcrime Unit25636
2005-07-22US FL: Editorial: Perpetual Hysteria57269
2005-07-22US AK: Medicinal Use Of Pot Can Continue65191
2005-07-22US WA: Seattle Could Learn From A City Up North776117
2005-07-22US TX: School Board Expected To Contract With Drug Testing62487
2005-07-22US NY: Duffy Unveils Crime Platform41066
2005-07-22US OR: Cold-Drug Bill A Prescription For Headway59888
2005-07-22US MN: PUB LTE: Kline Got It Wrong20432
2005-07-22US CA: Series: Lode Ahead On Limiting Sale Of Certain Drugs1186175
2005-07-22US CA: Series: Drug Court A Challenge That Many Take (Part 3c)1279199
2005-07-22US CA: Series: Picking Up The Pieces - Recovering Addict Goes1030145
2005-07-22US CA: Series: Tough But True Talk On Meth - Inmates And Cops755104
2005-07-22US WI: PUB LTE: Brandon Pro and Con19929
2005-07-22US UT: PUB LTE: Distribute Drugs To Addicts9316
2005-07-22US WA: Editorial: Targeting Meth45359
2005-07-22US IN: PUB LTE: Media Serving Up Propoganda In War On Drugs54382
2005-07-22US WI: LTE: Drugs Fund Home-Grown Terrorists34946
2005-07-22US FL: PUB LTE: Doctors Persecuted By the Prosecutors34341
2005-07-22US TX: Rocha Case: New Drug Evidence Raises Questions About County1191150
2005-07-22US SC: City Seeks Ban On Hallucinogen Salvia40263
2005-07-22US WY: PUB LTE: Drug War Misappropriates32647
2005-07-22US NY: Editorial: Meth Crisis13220
2005-07-22US NJ: PUB LTE: Who Will Take the Lead?28643
2005-07-22US WA: Drug Smuggling Tunnel Found On Canada Border23134
2005-07-22US WA: Alleged Smugglers Across Border Dug Their Way Into Trap1285195
2005-07-22US AK: Alaska To Continue Medical Marijuana Program24235
2005-07-22US OH: PUB LTE: War On Drugs Is Just One Big Gravy Train13019
2005-07-22US MA: LTE: Age Is Irrelevant When It Comes To Drug-Dealing14122
2005-07-22US MA: LTE: They Knew What They Were Doing22827
2005-07-22US MA: Editorial: Time For Serious Talk About Pot44949
2005-07-22US MA: Editorial: Mistrial Presents An Opportunity48756
2005-07-22US MA: Mistrial In Sawin Case831103
2005-07-22US GA: Editorial: Put Dealers On Run49260
2005-07-22US NC: Editorial: A Good Move Against Drugs12724
2005-07-22US UT: LTE: Drug Court Facts11919
2005-07-22US NC: Hewett Takes Helm Of Statewide Group31544
2005-07-22US FL: PUB LTE: Double Standard On Drugs11619
2005-07-22US NC: Bill Lifts Drug-Conviction Bar To Student Loans840115
2005-07-22US RI: PUB LTE: Pain, Suffering And Marijuana20232
2005-07-22US: For Newlyweds, Wives Hold The Pot Strings64285
2005-07-22US AL: Editorial: Drug Task Force Increase17827
2005-07-22US OR: PUB LTE: Jumping The Gun32544
2005-07-22US PA: Abbottstown Accepts Lippy's Resignation33546
2005-07-22US CA: Costa Mesa City Council Wrap-Up35459
2005-07-22US IL: Editorial: Put Meth On White House Drug Hit List49568
2005-07-22US MS: Editorial: Oregon's Drug Debate39349
2005-07-22US CO: Judge Addresses War On Drugs60685
2005-07-22US WV: Editorial: Workplace Drug Use Harder To Stop30638
2005-07-22US MS: More Schools Looking At Drug Testing Policy644105
2005-07-22US MO: Group Wants To Assist Youth Exposed To Meth52770
2005-07-21US AL: Jail Officer Charged In Drug Case22338
2005-07-21US FL: Student Aid Rule Put Under Review865116
2005-07-21US FL: Editorial: Drug Wars46568
2005-07-21US TX: Fired Crossing Guard Gets Show Of Support48667
2005-07-21US IN: States Adopt Rules To Get Children Out Of Meth Labs712103
2005-07-21US MO: Cutbacks Could Hurt Anti-Meth Efforts24034
2005-07-21US OR: House Votes To Restrict Meth Ingredient713100
2005-07-21US CA: Series: Boy Loses Dad To Meth (Part 2d)1054142
2005-07-21US CA: Series: Families And Communities Suffer, Too (Part 2c)1402201
2005-07-21US CA: Series: Meth Fuels Domestic Abuse (Part 2a)17427
2005-07-21US CA: Series: Addict Takes Habit One Step Further (Part 2b)856135
2005-07-21US MO: Cuts Feared For Anti-Drug Efforts58085
2005-07-21US MA: Going In Circles1124140
2005-07-21US MA: School-Zone Verdict Awaited1028119
2005-07-21US OR: Editorial: Parents On Drugs Risk The Horrific28243
2005-07-21US VA: Edu: War On Drugs Is Not Delivering Peace1252147
2005-07-21US MN: LTE: Kline Responds23736
2005-07-21US NY: Broken Crime Scene31439
2005-07-21US NY: Column: Marijuana And The Law1070124
2005-07-21US MA: State Aid To Boost Antidrug Partnership51564
2005-07-21US CA: Marijuana Regulation Concluded57481
2005-07-21US TN: LTE: Methadone Isn't Miracle Cure10519
2005-07-21US TN: LTE: Tennessee Losing Sight Of Justice In System15527
2005-07-21US IL: RI Convenience Store Owners Arrested On Drug Charge47070
2005-07-21US RI: PUB LTE: I'm Waiting In Pain For Pot To Be Legalized23936
2005-07-21US CA: Drugs, Guns, And A City In Crisis2214296
2005-07-21US AL: Internal Affairs To Investigate Shooting Of Suspected Dealer11119
2005-07-21US MO: Local officials: Drug Task Forces Could Fold55683
2005-07-21US IL: RI Convenience Store Owners Arrested On Drug Charge47070
2005-07-21US CO: The Price Of Prohibition77897
2005-07-21US KY: Casey Schools Can Expect Several Policy Changes42562
2005-07-21US NC: Meth Labs May Signal Epidemic1158155
2005-07-21US VA: Police Brace For Methamphetamine700121
2005-07-21US PA: Officials Outline Methamphetamine Threat58597
2005-07-21US FL: Adopting 'Zero Tolerance'657110
2005-07-21US MA: Column: Going In Circles On Crime And Punishment1121138
2005-07-21US GA: Faces Of Meth5499678
2005-07-21US MI: Michigan To Fight Illegal Meth Labs By Limiting Sale Of Cold48779
2005-07-21US MA: Mistrial Declared In School Zone Drug Case11719
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News (Media Awareness Project)