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Gallery - Places, Scenery - Image [131868]
Image [131868]
Uploaded by » soyfunk on Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 4:27pm
Linked To Galleries:» soyfunk
Overall: NeutralOverall: Places, Scenery [1]
Member Comments
» Because said @ Thu Nov 2, 2006 @ 8:18am
you should see how they park bikes here!! There are two bikes for every person in Holland, and it is the most densely populated country in Europe.
» soyfunk said @ Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 9:15pm
scooters outnumber cars in cambodia. mainly cause of gas prices (which is the same as here) and since a 'fonctionaire' makes 30$ a month, only the rich (richer than you and me) drive around in Mitsubishi Pajero's and Toyota Landcruisers. the spraypaint on the wall says "warning to those who piss on this wall"