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Gallery - Nightlife - Image [220595]
Image [220595]
Uploaded by » BoomTaRa on Mon Nov 26, 2007 @ 11:56pm
Linked To Galleries:» BoomTaRa
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Member Comments
» BoomTaRa said @ Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 12:40am
“At the moment my provisional belief, stitched together from Buddhism, Western mysticism, quantum physics, and psychedelic shamanism, is that what we experience as the “self” is actually a kind of vibration frequency emanating from an invisible whole that exists in a higher dimension. Buddhists see this reality as illusionary samsara; it is a product of our consciousness, our karma. If the Buddhists are right, then the only way to change the world is to transform our consciousness. Psychedelics are only catalysts for that deeper process of inner development.” Pinchbeck, 2003, p. 287.