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Gallery - Friends Together - Image [220611]
Image [220611]
Uploaded by » BoomTaRa on Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 12:11am
Linked To Galleries:» BoomTaRa
Overall: NeutralOverall: No Type [0]
Member Comments
» BoomTaRa said @ Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 12:50am
“Only new-born babes, or men in semi-coma from sleep, drugs, illness, or blows, may be assumed to have an experience pure in the literal sense of a that which is not yet any definite what, tho' ready to be all sorts of whats ; full both of oneness and of manyness, but in respects that don’t appear ; changing throughout, yet so confusedly that its phases interpenetrate and no points, either of distinction or of identity, can be caught.” William James