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Gallery - Friends Together - Image [220605]
Image [220605]
Uploaded by » BoomTaRa on Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 12:05am
Linked To Galleries:» BoomTaRa
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Member Comments
» BoomTaRa said @ Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 1:03am
"In the cosmos there are three states-Creation, Establishment and Destruction and these are represented by the three circles in the Shree Yantra which in itself is the symbol of the universe or cosmos. When this circle is elevated it stands as a symbol of Sumeru Mountain balancing the whole universe and it contains of all the worlds situated in the Sumeru Mountain, as described in Puranas. It is called "Meru Prastha Shree Yantra" and is the best of all. Shri Yantra is the worshipping place of the form of the super goddess, Mahatripur Sundari. It is Her divine abode. All the gods and goddesses are worshipped in it and all other religious adorations are done here. It includes all the conducts, all the learning and all the elements." [ www.rudraksha-ratna.com ]