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Gallery - Flyers, Art, Graf - Image [220607]
Image [220607]
Uploaded by » BoomTaRa on Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 12:06am
Linked To Galleries:» BonneNuit, » BoomTaRa
Overall: Good [+1]Overall: Flyers, Art, Graf [1]
Member Comments
» BoomTaRa said @ Tue Nov 27, 2007 @ 12:55am
"In recent years, chaos has migrated from mathematics, physics, and computer science departments to fields as far off as anthropology and economics, displaying a viral panache similar to poststructuralism's as it spread through the humanities. And perhaps it's no mere coincidence. In "Non-Organic Life," an article in Zone Incorporations, Manuel DeLanda persuasively links the chaotic process of self-organization with Deleuzian poststructuralism, suggesting a more-than-metaphoric link between natural and social formations and sketching out a potent ethics of flow. Even literary theory is now surfing the fractal edge."- Erik Davis - [ www.techgnosis.com ]