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Image [259898]
Uploaded by » ONE.LAB.RAT on Mon Jul 21, 2008 @ 3:15pm
Linked To Event:Mr. Peril'S Birthday Thing!
Overall: NeutralOverall: No Type [0]
Member Comments
» SourUltraFast said @ Thu Nov 13, 2008 @ 6:14pm
its just awful...awful...awful... *shivers* who brought that shit anyways?
» rawali said @ Tue Aug 12, 2008 @ 1:26pm
well your supposed to mid it... its not that complicated, just dont drink it pure... or with orange juice for that matter urgh
» MelooDie said @ Thu Jul 24, 2008 @ 1:17am
wtf a pre-mix drink for bloody ceasars? That soundz aweful
» DrGonzo said @ Wed Jul 23, 2008 @ 11:45pm
Yeah, for like a couple of hours I was convincing myself that someone had just decided to puke in an empty bottle, the result being this.. The ingredients said : Vodka, Salt (2%), natural flavors (wtv those may be... :|). Ben said you're supposed to dilute it with water a bit, and on the bottle they said to add tomato or clam juice... I fail to understand who in their right mind would ever buy this, but to the people who fell in the trap ("Oh my, an open, unattended bottle of hard alcohol, nom nom nom..").. I feel your pain.. I eventually threw it all out in the sink and almost threw the bottle out the window, just looking at it reminded me of the taste and made my stomach turn.. :( Rot in hell, stupid vodka.
» ONE.LAB.RAT said @ Mon Jul 21, 2008 @ 5:13pm
good drink