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Image [253526]
Uploaded by » cutterhead on Sun Jun 15, 2008 @ 4:38pm
Overall: NeutralOverall: Places, Scenery [1]
Member Comments
» cutterhead said @ Mon Jun 16, 2008 @ 2:36am
Spread me open, stuck to my ribs are all your infants in abortion cribs. Disease, disease is draining me; anymore it's not so "pretty please." Satan is a glass of milk and a bedtime story that mommy and daddy jesus scare babies into submission with. Fascism spreads its cancerous tendrils into the soft guts of bible-belt-wearing white trash, organizing their lives around old testament cartoon characters. We fuck each other with hatred and kill the things we love. We scapegoat the things we don't understand. 13-year-olds, dirty and swollen, are sold into a porno-nation, sedated and devoured by their fathers. With its rabbit-ears smugly erect, the t.v. talks in hard-ons and acne medicine, while a boy dreams of stardom and lives in fear of failure. Denial leads to addiction that leads to denial. Sadistic and constantly inflicting a slow demise. Who ever said tricks were for kids? Do you wanna see me pull a rabbit (monkey) out of my hat (back)? I have never pretended to be anything but an asshole. I am what yo