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Gallery - Image [215361]
Image [215361]
Uploaded by » earthyspirit on Sat Oct 27, 2007 @ 8:15pm
Overall: NeutralOverall: Flyers, Art, Graf [1]
Member Comments
» Kalymero said @ Mon Dec 24, 2007 @ 5:19pm
what this is suposed to mean? EDIT: thanks ^^
» earthyspirit said @ Mon Dec 24, 2007 @ 3:33pm
this is a symbol overlay, using the 12 hour clock, astrology, elements, color wheel, alphabet and more to illustrate the function of form. Nature is spelled out BY us and we are meant to place all the pieces of the puzzle together in order to grasp the meaning of them. The truth is clear and we are foggy, but the clouds lift as we seek simplicity in complexity. The alphabet and numbers work together, the star signs are combination symbols of those surrounding them. Illustrations of equilibrium and evolution, a how to of the cosmos right in front of our faces, but divided into cross sections. This was my first attempt at amalgamating them in an image to view syncronicities and contemplate meanings.