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Image [131845]
Uploaded by » soyfunk on Wed Nov 1, 2006 @ 4:03pm
Linked To Galleries:» soyfunk
Overall: NeutralOverall: Places, Scenery [1]
Member Comments
» soyfunk said @ Sun Nov 12, 2006 @ 10:12pm
this was chill. you can take a boat from Roluos (35 minutes from Siem Riep) and it brings you to Tonle Sap for a few seconds and then goes back to the Stung (river) and parks itself inside the flooded forest. then you can go swim onto a tree and just CHEEEEEEELL or jump into the water from tree to tree. just gotta be carefull there's no trees or trunks under the water. OUCH!
» SeismoLogick said @ Tue Nov 7, 2006 @ 11:08am
mangrove forest!?