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Gallery - Image [129450]
Image [129450]
Uploaded by » Magmatix on Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 6:52am
Linked To Galleries:» Magmatix
Overall: Good [+1]Overall: Funny Stuff [1]
Member Comments
» m4xom4x said @ Sat Nov 4, 2006 @ 7:35pm
Je trouve ca pas mal interessant. Hey D4rkpsy check ce lien [ rave.ca ]
» Magmatix said @ Tue Oct 24, 2006 @ 6:54am
The universe is composed of and structured by the interdependent opposites of the physical (1) and nonphysical (0), where the physical organizes and uses the nonphysical to reach absorption through emission. This hypothesis provides the foundation for explaining universal cause and effect. The nonphysical is the missing ingredient for finding the common basis for the action of all objects. For the hypothesis to be correct we must show that it applies to humans as well as the rest of nature. If the universe is structured by the physical's (1) relationship to the nonphysical (0) then it is this binary (0 and 1) pairing that provides the foundation and structure for everything. The symbol 1 in this text will be used to represent the physical something and the symbol 0 will be used to represent the nonphysical nothing.