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whorexcore's Profile
» whorexcore
a.k.a. "Ella Electro"

32 year old scorpio female
From North York, Ontario, Canada

Is feeling bored...
Last On:Tue Nov 30, 1999 @ 12:00am
Profile Views:670
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boredJun 30, 2007
hopelessMay 30, 2007
tiredMay 29, 2007
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meh.. I'm not good at fillin gout stuff like this..here are some random facts about me:: I'm a cartonn freak. I wear boxers. I'm hyper pretty much all the time. I love manga. I enjoi taking care of my skin, hair, nails, etc. I am told by some people that I'm a slut which isn't true. For god's sake if you don't know the person why the fuck are you talking shit. Seriously,, that pisses the shit out of me >=O I have a good body, face features, style, and all the crap. Yes,, I do my make up in very different ways than other people,, but how does that make me a slut?? I swear when I get older I'm gonna move to Japan. I get bored very easily. So when there's nothing to do I go to my KITCHEN, open my FRIDGE, and start eating FOOOOODD!! The best thing [[well except for drugs]] that could ever exist!! I am the kind of a person that would never say no if you ask me for help. I'm just that suppaahh shhweeeett!! Who's coller now,, MOO FUCKAAHH!!??
Member Comments
Page: 1
» Nuclear said @ Tue May 29, 2007 @ 12:53am
nice style... /(^_^)\