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nostress's Profile
» nostress
a.k.a. "joseph"

42 year old sagittarius male
From Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Last On:Tue Nov 30, 1999 @ 12:00am
Profile Views:1,631
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2008-04-21 fist rave (0)
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How I'm going to describe myself? I love to dance, to make music( i'am musician) cause those two arts are for me the best way to express how i feel about life. I think life can be difficult. But, still, it's BEAUTIFUL. So every thing i do is like a celebration to be on earth(reading, have fun with friends at work, looking painting at a museum, joking, eating). i'm a bit epicurean, i should say. My way of life is to always do to others what i would like to get. i act with the same principle with a friend or with a lady(in a party or in a date). Don't really like negativity( i mean peaple always complaining). If you are one of them, just say it at the beginning. It O.K. Don't like people that have no manners too. If you're like that, please be kind: do not e-mail me...
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