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Events Calendar - August 25, 2005
Vault Thursdays [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Thu Aug 25, 2005 @ 12:00am
Promoter:Paradigm United
Location:Vault Lounge
[ beats.ca ]

Location: The Vault Lounge, Uptown waterloo. 9 King Street North

Driving Directions:
Directions from Toronto/London:
1. 401 ->Highway 8
2. Exit to Right when 8 Joins #7
3. Highway 8 > Highway 85
4. Exit Bridgeport street, go west
5. Left on King
6. Once you pass Erb St. turn right before the Railroad tracks, parking behind "Rude Native".
Room 1:
Scratche - www.scratche.ca - breakbeats.ca, fliptherecord.com
Added:Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 12:00am by » scratche
Events Calendar - August 25, 2005
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