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Events Calendar - April 7, 2006
Urbana [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Apr 7, 2006 @ 7:00am
Info:The hidden homeless are all around us. Many have jobs and contribute to our community – but they need our help to get back on their feet. Join us for URBANA: this year benefiting Cornerstone Housing for Women and Raising the Roof, a charity that supports local programs in preventing homelessness.

URBANA is an event that puts the fun in fundraising!

After all, it is more fun to be part of the solution than to be indifferent to our city’s needs. URBANA is an opportunity to show what community spirit can achieve when we each take a step forward together.

We all need a roof overhead.

Giant URBANA Bingo game!
The Kelly Craig Sextet Live Jazz
Culinary Conspiracy Canapés
Cash Bar

Friday April 7, 2006
vendredi le 7 avril, 2006
7 to 10 p.m.
Government Conference Centre
(entrée Colonel By Drive entrance)

Tickets / Billets: $85
online at:
[ www.DharmaDevelopments.com ]

or call / ou appeler 613 482-2642
Added:Fri Apr 7, 2006 @ 7:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - April 7, 2006
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