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Events Calendar - January 27, 2005
Tsunami Relief Benefit Event [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu Jan 27, 2005 @ 10:00pm
Info:Thursday, January 27th- please come lend your support to help raise money for the victims of the Tsunami disaster. Clubbers and DJs are invited to come on down for a slamming evening of house music that will benefit those in need. The party will be raising funds for Oxfam, a charity that is providing clean water, purification, sanitation and temporary shelters to victims of the Tsunami in various countries affected by the disaster. It is hoped with your support that we can aid this relief effort through our donations!

Juice Night Club is our gracious host for the event and we are asking that people make a $5 donation at the door which will go directly to benefit Oxfam!

XL Wanted REcords, Stereo
Mat Ste-Marie Rhythm Therapist
Pat Boogie Circus
Danny K Surface, Thrust (Ottawa)
Roy Chartier Thrust, Studio Archetype (Ottawa)


1000h - Roy Chartier
1030h - Danny K
1100h - Pat Boogie
1215h - Mat Ste Marie
0130h - XL

The DJs, organizers and volunteers have been gracious enough to donate their time, to provide you, the amazing clubbers of Montreal, with a night of great house from 10-3!!

Hope you will all come out and join us on Thursday, January 27th!!!!!!!!
Jodi and Jeff

Hosted by LadyJ, Blkshrt and Turbo.
Added:Thu Jan 27, 2005 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - January 27, 2005
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (11)
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