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Events Calendar - November 13, 2009
Tiga, Audion [Live], Thomas Von Party [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Nov 13, 2009 @ 1:00am till Sat Nov 14, 2009 @ 10:00am

Tiga will play a special super-extended set, celebrating a long awaited return to after hours in Montreal. For those that remember, think back to his epic nights at Sona, for those that don't, prepare to have something to remember that you won't ever be able to not remember.

His set is so special and extended, in fact, that Thomas Von Party has been called on to relieve Tiga ONLY in case of extreme overheating or bathroom break.

Audion, aka Matthew Dear, one of the most amazing producers in electronic music, will perform his visionary new Hecatomb live-set, complete with an awesome visual show. Seriously. Awesome.

It's been years since Montreal has had an afterhours club that looks and sounds this good... since Stereo was last open, to be precise... The design is stunning, and the level of production is unparalleled. What matters most is that the sound is PERFECT.

Get excited. This will be worth it.
Room 1:
Thomas Von Party
Tiga - Turbo
Extras:• TIGA •
[ tiga.ca ]
[ facebook.com ]

[ audion.me ]

[ vonparty.com ]

►Tickets are available at:
[ iloveneon.ca ]
[ www.stereonightclub.net ]
Fly Boutique | 1970 Ste-Catherine Ouest | 514.846.6888
Priape | 1311 Ste-Catherine East | 514.521.8451
Moog | 3828 St-Laurent | 514.284.7434
Off the Hook | 1021 Ste-Catherine Ouest | 514.499.1021
[ www.wantickets.com ]
Added:Thu Oct 29, 2009 @ 1:52am by » STEREO.MONTREAL
Modified:Mon Nov 2, 2009 @ 7:32pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - November 13, 2009
4 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Member Comments
» Pierluche said @ Fri Nov 13, 2009 @ 1:25pm
not sure look, Hecatomb Tour is the name of Audion's world tour, so Tiga is the second headline
» Sinkarna said @ Fri Nov 13, 2009 @ 8:02am
SET TIMES TVP ::1-230 AUDION LIVE :: 230-4 TIGA :: 4-8 TVP :: 8-CLOSE
» diydiy said @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 @ 11:57pm
audioooon !!!!
» Sinkarna said @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 @ 11:58am
no, im pretty sure its Tiga
» Pierluche said @ Fri Nov 6, 2009 @ 11:21am
rassurez moi, la tête d'affiche c'est bien Audion ???