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Events Calendar - August 27, 2004
Thrust Friday [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Aug 27, 2004 @ 8:30pm
Info:Big THANKs to everyone who came out and supported me in the competition last Saturday.
Without all YOUR support Danny and I wouldn't have made it to the SEMI's!!

Thank you all!

This week we've planned a special FAREWELL Bash for John Boisvenue, as he's leaving our gracefull city & country. John will be throwing down he's melodic yet Thumping and THruSTing prog set that has wide appeal to the likes of Steve Porter, Brad Copeland, and Chris Macphee. His last set at THruST had everyone dancing and hardwood floors shakin, with people going crazy on tables and benches. Expect an unforgettible night with a vibe built purely on excellent music and stellar people. Get the sunglasses out for the final Farewell Set by John Boisvenue. Best wishes!

Doors open at 10:30
Cover $3.00 after 11:30

Umbrella Room
51 William Street

Opening Set by Danny K & Michal Siorek
Added:Fri Aug 27, 2004 @ 8:30pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - August 27, 2004
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