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Events Calendar - May 7, 2005
This Saturday at Meditheo [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat May 7, 2005 @ 10:00pm
LNBP Media
Info:if you're lookin for somewhere to chillax and enjoy a nice martini on a patio this weekend, may i suggest coming out to Medithéo. we're in the midst of trying out a new vibe for the weekends. it is a work in progress...

aside from their delicious menu, Medithéo will be offering $4.75 martinis all night. as a martini connaisseur, i have to say these are the cheapest martini's in town so come get your fix. i know i will! they will also be offering a bottle service. meaning you can buy a whole bottle of liquor and pour your own drinks at your table. PIMPIN!

as for the beats, we gots:

Jason P (stay house! / helsinki / spins & needles / trio lounge)

10pm, NO COVER

*** i'm aware that this is all extremely short notice but this project fell into my lap basically this afternoon. hope you can make it out! ***

Meditheo Restaurant & Bar
77 Clarence Street,

stay tuned for next week as well...
Added:Sat May 7, 2005 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - May 7, 2005
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