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Events Calendar - January 29, 2005
The Underground Legacy [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jan 29, 2005 @ 10:00pm
Promoter:Patrick Legendre and JD Entertainement
Location:Fonderie Darling 745 rue Ottawa Montréal
Description:WITH :

Tiga - Robert de la Gauthier - Rob di Stefano -Stéfane Lipé

The Underground Legacy is all about tracing the history of the House Underground movement:

The main event will be presented in the Darling Foundry, in the heart of Old Montreal’s former industrial sector. This building has hosted some of the first Warehouse Parties that took place in the late 80s.
.:This event will bear witness to the history of Montreal’s Underground. As they step into the building, partygoers will be transported back in time, to a decor reminiscent of the first warehouse party and to the sound music from the very same era. As the evening progresses, sophisticated technical teams will slowly join the party. Ads will be updated and video projections will literally transport partygoers to the heart of some of the biggest events created from this movement: Solstice, Bal en Blanc, Black and Blue 1999, Playground, the Stéreo and others. We will relate its history, talk about its present and foretell its future.
Room 1:
Robert De La... Gauthier - - GLINKA KLANG, Glitterball,High H
Stéfane Lippé -
Tiga - Turbo
Info:Artistic direction:

Patrick Legendre

Successively co-owner of nightclubs Le Big Bang (1989-1992), Le Royal (1992-1994) Le Playgound, Groove Society, Joy (Toronto) (1994-1998). Founder and co-producer of Bal en Blanc (1995-2000). Founder of Collectif Montreal la Nuit, an organization dedicated to promoting Montreal nightlife (2004).

Sound and technical production :
Eric Tourangeau aka toutou
Lighting : Eric Belanger
General management: Jean-Denis Hébert

Extras:Tickets available at:
1311, Ste-Catherine St. East
Montréal (Qc) H2L 2H4

first 200 40.00 $
Next 300 60.00 $
Next 70.00 $
Added:Wed Dec 8, 2004 @ 12:00am by » U_L
Modified:Thu Dec 16, 2004 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - January 29, 2005
5 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» DManda
» goalien
» Ras
» U_L
Contributing Members: » U_L (6)
Member Comments
» MolocH said @ Tue Jan 25, 2005 @ 12:37pm
Rofl.. Ma dire dirait l`autre... Ca fait cher de l`heure en criss ca.;)
» M-A-X said @ Sun Jan 23, 2005 @ 11:33pm
HHHHmmmmmm un peu trop cher pour un ``underground``
» Purple_Lee said @ Wed Jan 19, 2005 @ 10:11pm
way over pricd......have fun folks
» FrAnCko said @ Tue Jan 18, 2005 @ 7:02pm
bob de la k :|
» Psy_co said @ Fri Jan 7, 2005 @ 10:41pm
nice venue
» Mico said @ Fri Jan 7, 2005 @ 1:58am
Yeah, it really is.
» DManda said @ Thu Jan 6, 2005 @ 6:07pm
cool concept
» Aikido2 said @ Tue Dec 14, 2004 @ 5:45pm
Wow...Toutou y joue!!!!
» said @ Sun Dec 12, 2004 @ 11:39pm