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Events Calendar - May 9, 2009
The Peak Experience ( Hamburg ) [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Germany, Hamburg
Time:Sat May 9, 2009 @ 9:00pm till Sun May 10, 2009 @ 9:00pm
Description:Peak experience is a term used to describe certain transpersonal and ecstatic states, particularly ones tinged with themes of unification, harmonization and interconnectedness. Participants characterize these experiences, and the revelations imparted therein, as possessing an ineffably mystical (or overtly religious) quality or essence.
Room 1:
ExPaNdinG CoNsCiouSneSs - www.myspace.com - Oui-R1- Spiritual Healing-Cosmix
Extras:Live * * *
Flooting Grooves ( Peak Records ) - Schweiz
[click here] & [click here]

Yab Yum ( Peak Records ) - Schweiz
[click here] & [click here]
DJs * * *
Alpha ( Interzone.pa ) - Hamburg
[click here]

Daksinamurti ( Shiva Space Technology / Rudraksh Rec ) - Marbug
[click here]

Dsompa ( Tranceorientexpress / [ Goaplace.com ] ) - Hamburg
[click here]

Expanding Conscience ( Can / Arg ) - Buenos Aires
[click here]

Expanding Om ( Expanding Conscience & Dsompa )
[click here]

Flooting Grooves ( Peak Records ) - Schweiz
[click here] & [click here]

Merry ( Spontaneous Aerobics / Mindexpansion ) - Berlin
[click here] & [click here]

Psytherapy ( 8dma Tribe ) - Israel
[click here] & [click here]

Yab Yum ( Peak Records ) - Schweiz
[click here] & [click here]
Chill * * *

Master Magherita ( Peak Records ) - Schweiz [click here] & [click here]

Aquarius ( Manaproject2012 / Mystic Tribe ) - Hamburg [click here]

Luna The Manawizard ( Manaproject2012 ) - Hamburg [click here]

Flying Carpet ( Tranceorientexpress ) - Hamburg [click here]
Deco * * *
Live VJ by Timewave2012 ( [ Psy-Film.com ] / Rudraksh Rec. ) - Frankfurt
[click here] & [click here]

Blacklightnature ( 8dma Tribe ) - Hamburg
[click here] & [click here]

Grille - Hamburg
[click here]

Interactive Decoconcept - Almere NL
[click here]

more decoartists to be confirmed.. (:
Location a beautiful and nice location in hamburg (:
Entry fee tba
Infos * * *
Das Nettchen ( Chai / Food )

we are in progress... more soon.. (:
Added:Thu Sep 18, 2008 @ 1:47pm by » Spiral
Modified:Thu Dec 11, 2008 @ 6:43am by » Spiral
Events Calendar - May 9, 2009
1 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
» Spiral
Member Comments
» VURT said @ Sun May 3, 2009 @ 11:16pm
avec yab yum malade!!!!!