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Events Calendar - March 2, 2012
The Legend Of Eternal Sunshine [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Mar 2, 2012 @ 10:00pm till Sat Mar 3, 2012 @ 6:00am
Description:Beaucoup de cultures à travers le monde ont d’intéressants mythes à propos du soleil, reflétant son importance dans nos vies.

Pour les Aztèques du Mexique, Tonatiuh était le roi du soleil. Il était aussi connu comme le cinquième soleil, ayant pris la relève du quatrième soleil après que celui-ci fut expulsé du ciel. Le dieu demandait des sacrifices humains, sinon il refuserait de se mouvoir à travers le ciel. D'après les récits, il est dit que 20 000 personnes étaient sacrifiées chaque année à Tonatiuh et à d'autres dieux. D'après la cosmogonie aztèque, chaque ère cosmique avait son propre dieu Soleil, et nous serions toujours dans la cinquième, celle de Tonatiuh.

Alors nous avons besoin de chacun de vous, guerriers du soleil, pour danser dans l’amour du soleil et de la lune, de la lumière et de la noirceur. Rééquilibrons-nous tous ensemble!!

.................................................. ..........

Many cultures around the world have interesting myths about the Sun, reflecting its importance in all our lives.

For the Aztecs, who lived in central Mexico, Tonatiuh was a Sun god. Aztecs believed that four suns had been created in four previous ages, and all of them had died at the end of each cosmic era. Tonatiuh was the fifth sun and the present era is still his. The carvings on this sunstone represent the four cycles of creation and destruction in the Aztec creation story.

So we need evreryone of you sun soldiers to come dance for the love of sun and moon, light and dark lets restore balance toghether.

Come enjoy the musical sunshine in total peace and love .

--- 2 room event ---
--- Prog,Psy,chill out ---
--- New and inonvative deco (the burning forest) ---
--- Zenergica massage ---
--- Water for sale 2$ ---
--- Come to contribute not to consume ---


(((( This message will burn in ... ))))




---------------- Main Room ---------------------------------

...- Lost forest on the sun

-.-.- 10 a 11 : Snowphish TAG Lockout.... The origins of dub

-.-.- 11 a 12 : Lyra..................... Psy,the Beggening

-.-.- 12 a 1:30 : Sunhunter.............. Sunnypsy!

-.-.- 1:30 a 3 : Deception TAG Br34th3... Total Solar Eclipse

-.-.- 3 a 4:30 : Psyrenity.............. Look at the light

-.-.- 4:30 a 6 : Zven...................Feel the light

BOOOMMMMMMMMM !!!!!!!!!!!!

------------------- Second Room -----------------------

Relaxation Lounge

...- The Bright Side of the Moon

-.-.- Longstocking

-.-.- PranaPapa and LunarGroove tag

-.-.- more coming soon
Room 1:
22:00 Snowphish - MTLs Bassix
23:00 LYRA - Logic Vision Record
24:00 Sun Hunter - www.psykonexus.com - Psykonexus & Dark Side Records
01:30 Deception (Canada, Ontario, Toronto) - www.facebook.com - Deceptive Recordings
01:30 Br34th3 - www.nexus-media.co.za - Phonolite, Nexus Media, Vision
03:00 Psyrenity aka Kr8Noyz - Psychedelic Sanctuary Prod.
LOngstOcking - soundcloud.com - Syzygy

Deco Artists: KR8
Tickets:20.00 - 15$ in advance
Extras:Tickets on sale at Studio Sundari
6264 St Hubert

- 15$ in advance
- 20$ at the door
Added:Thu Jan 19, 2012 @ 3:58am by » Ashigaikha
Modified:Tue Feb 21, 2012 @ 7:52pm by » marieo0
Events Calendar - March 2, 2012
Member Comments
» konishiwa said @ Fri Mar 2, 2012 @ 8:27pm
je prends ca en note..;)
» kr8noyz said @ Fri Mar 2, 2012 @ 2:41pm
6262 st hubert metro beaubien !!!!
» kr8noyz said @ Thu Mar 1, 2012 @ 12:08pm
une bonne nouvelle il yaura du yoga gratuit avant le party pour les interesse !!!!!! venez tot !
» IndigoChild said @ Wed Feb 29, 2012 @ 6:43pm
o yea bitches
» kr8noyz said @ Wed Feb 29, 2012 @ 4:11pm
ready to party on the sun people !!!!! its gonna be hot !
» The_Deamon said @ Sun Feb 26, 2012 @ 5:26am
Ca a l'air bien, et j'ai hate de voir la deco.
» kr8noyz said @ Sat Feb 11, 2012 @ 1:41pm
presale tickets on sale 15 $
» kr8noyz said @ Sat Feb 11, 2012 @ 1:39pm
a second room just got added !!!! relaxation lounge with zenergica massage !!! a decorated calm room to go chill :)
» Aka.Ball.Eckoes said @ Sat Feb 11, 2012 @ 8:40am
On the Spotless Mind?
» pencapchew said @ Mon Feb 6, 2012 @ 11:06am