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Events Calendar - June 25, 2009
The Greasy Goose Salon Series #14: Animals [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu Jun 25, 2009 @ 7:30pm
Description:Featuring presentations by:

*Oana Avasilichioaei -- The Tyrant and the Wolfbat
Oana will read from a debauched poetic folktale about a tyrant, a child and a wolfbat.

*Torsten Bernhardt -- Spineless Wonders
In the bizarre world of animals without backbones, everything goes.

*Zoe Cousineau -- Things My Dogs Taught Me
A discussion of basic care of dogs, including common health issues and feeding options, with a holistic/DIY bent.

*Shirley Roburn -- Whalesong and the listening ocean
A look at the fingerprints, footprints, and acoustic signatures of whalesongs and human sounds in the ocean through the ages, and at the overlaps between whale and human patterns of song.

[ www.facebook.com ]
Added:Thu Jun 25, 2009 @ 8:22pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - June 25, 2009
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