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Events Calendar - October 18, 2005
The Grapevine: journeys by DJ jasmine & sarcastic w/ special guest BLISS [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Tue Oct 18, 2005 @ 10:00pm
Location:Vinyl, 2109 Bleury St.
Description:JASMINE (women on wax)


SARCASTIC (level 4 productions)

with longtime montreal selector, beat junkie and vinyl anthropologist DJ BLISS playing a special birthday set... on his actual birthday! [ www.djbliss.net ]

the evenings's musical mandate might be described as a downtempo-ish melange of hip hop, trip hop, dub step, grime, dub/reggae, classic and folk rock, blues, jazz, and assorted psychedelia >> at the newly opened VINYL (2109 Bleury), just below Sherbrooke

this is the LAUNCH NIGHT. represent.
Room 1:
Jas Nasty (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa) - www.myspace.com - Women On Wax
SARCASTIC - www.djsarcastic.bandcamp.com - Level 4, Icewax, Red Channel+
Added:Wed Oct 5, 2005 @ 12:00am by » Czarkastik
Modified:Thu Oct 20, 2005 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - October 18, 2005
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