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Events Calendar - November 14, 2009
Synesthasia 2010 Model Auction [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Nov 14, 2009 @ 10:00pm
Description:Join us THIS SATURDAY, November 14th for a chance to purchase a date with a gorgeous MODEL from SYNESTHASIA Fashion Show!!

A date with EACH one of these lovely MEN AND WOMEN includes something special, for example a photography lesson from an expert fashion photographer, a romantic afternoon of ice skating, or a variety of other exciting experiences!

The auction will start at 11pm, followed by an amazing party with Jupiter Room resident DJs Max Max & 2Live.

Entrance: Minimum donation of 5 DOLLARS at the door (includes a FREE jaegerbomb!)

All proceeds go towards The Medical Institute for Tamils, who provide medical and humanitarian assistance to refugees in war-torn Sri Lanka.

Make sure you're there so you don't miss any of the action... and let the bidding begin!

For further info please check out [ ] or call 514.513.4661
Added:Mon Nov 2, 2009 @ 6:12pm by » Nuclear
Modified:Wed Nov 11, 2009 @ 7:57pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - November 14, 2009
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