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Events Calendar - May 22, 2004
Surface Unleashed | Dj Comp [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sat May 22, 2004 @ 10:00pm
Info:What an amazing weekend we have ahead of us.
So much going on!

This saturday at SURFACE we will be unleashing the "no holds barred" talents of Velvet DJ's:

Paolo Michelli and Raissa -

followed with a not to be missed closing set by:

JOE JUAREZ [ www.glowzoo.com ]

All DJ's have been told to bang it out from beginning to end. Let's make this Victoria Day Weekend a very memorable one.

We realize that the money will be tight this weekend
so toggle the event listing and you will be added to our XVI VIP LIST.
Cover will only be $4 b4 midnight.(NO IN & OUTs)

Along with $3 drinks!


General admission $5 b4 midnight | $10 til 1am $15 after

DJ COMP will start at 10.30 and will feature 2 incredible DJ's.
DANNY K (thrust) & JOHN BOISVENUE (Funf Records)

Remember to party responsibly!
Have a great weekend - see you on the dance floor.
Added:Sat May 22, 2004 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - May 22, 2004
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Contributing Members: » Belldandy (1)
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