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Events Calendar - November 6, 2005
Sundaze: Heartbeat Dj Tour (4 U.S.A. Dj's) [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Sun Nov 6, 2005 @ 6:00am
Info:Wow! I can't believe it's already been this long of a journey... This month, November 2005, marks a full year of Sundaze continuing the party into the day and bringing Ottawa the best in house, techno, and progressive dance music.

To start things off this month, Sundaze is proud to provide a stop in Ottawa for The Heartbeat Dj Tour, which features these of Conneticut's top Dj crews:

Bubkle Up Beats, Ill Magic, Spritual Emporium, and Muck Crew.

The Heartbeat Dj Tour is hitting up the east coast of the U.S. and spots in Canada to share the appreciation and love of good house music, with a tour schedule that includes gigs in Conneticut, New York, Massachusetts, Montreal & Ottawa.

Dj's featured at Sundaze, Nov. 6th:

VITO G. (Buckle Up Beats, Muck Crew - CT, USA)

KAY-DUB (Spiritual Emporium, TurnAgainHeights -CT, USA)

SKRILLA (Ill Magic Productions,BMC Empires - CT, USA)

FOTTA-FA-ZEE (Buckle Up Beats - CT, USA)

[ www.muckcrew.com ]

^^ Muck Crew

[ www.spiritualemporium.com ]

^^ Spiritual Emporium

[ www.illmagic.com ]

^^ Ill Magic

Also joining in the house music assault this week is Sundaze resident:

Rick Laplante

We're hoping to see all our friends come out to this Sundaze, so we can show our American brothers just how we do it across the northern border. ;)

Every Sunday | 6am - 3pm+ | 19+ w/ ID | $8 b4 7am/$10 after | MAVERICKS - 221 Rideau Street | ROAR
Added:Sun Nov 6, 2005 @ 6:00am by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - November 6, 2005
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