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Events Calendar - April 30, 2009
Summon The Summer: Dj Catpiss & Dj Tobias Rochman [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu Apr 30, 2009 @ 10:00pm
Description:Television, Roxy Music, T-Rex, Bowie, Eno, Klaus Schulze, Terry Riley, VU, The Slits, DAF, PIL, Iggy Pop, Suicide, Fad Gadget, Cult Hero, The Normal + tons more
Also lots and lots of "new" music by bands like
xbxrx, krmtx, coachwhips, hospitals, vivian girls, shoplifting, harry pussy, viki, lake of dracula, sleetmute nightmute, north of america, sebadoh, popular shapes, tyvek, ex models, virgin mega whore, the seconds, the lowdown + even more

[ www.facebook.com ]
Added:Wed Apr 15, 2009 @ 10:57pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - April 30, 2009
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