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Events Calendar - September 10, 2005
Step Up for the Cure @ Molson Stadium [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Sep 10, 2005 @ 12:00pm
Location:Percival Molson Stadium (475 Pine W.)
Description:This weekend, the Percival Molson Stadium will be playing host to a very special charity event: Step up for the Cure. During this 24-hour event, participants will run a combined minimum distance of 149,000 vertical meters, measuring 15 times the height of Mt. Everest. This number has great significance as it represents the 149,000 Canadians that will be diagnosed with cancer in 2005. The event will feature Djs from noon Saturday until 10:30 pm, playing a variety of musical styles. Come down to the stadium Saturday afternoon and enjoy the music while you support the runners in their fundraising efforts.
Event free – donations welcome. [ www.stepupforthecure.com ] (514) 285-1112.
Broken Crew
DJ Pat St.Pierre
DJ Cyrock
Dave O’Brien [ ncvmontreal.com ]
Sarcastic [ level4productions.com ]
Jan Pienkowski [ onorecords.com ]
Added:Thu Sep 8, 2005 @ 12:00am by » davesob
Modified:Fri Sep 9, 2005 @ 12:00am
Events Calendar - September 10, 2005
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