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Events Calendar - July 4, 2003
Source Of Light [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Fri Jul 4, 2003 @ 12:00am

source of light aura lieu sur un terrain enchanteur situé entre montreal et quebec ( le chemin sera
indiquer sur les billet , infolignes et site web )

source of light will be held on a enchanting site between montreal and quebec ( the way
will be indicated on the tickets . infolines and web site )

Le festival debutera en son et lumieres le vendredi a 21 heures pour se terminer
le dimanche a 15 heures . Des presentations visuelles artistiques et de la decoration
thematiwue 3d ampliferons l'ambiance magique des lieux . Au cours de la relache musicale
du samedi , un "jam" acoustique , ouvert a tous , saura rejouir vos sens .

The festival will start up in sound and lighting friday night at 9 o'clock
to close its doors sunday at 3hpm . Artistic visual presentations and
gigantic themed 3d decorations will amplify the already magic scenery .
During the electronical intermission saturday , an acoustic jam will be
open to all for your viewing and hearing pleasure .

Cet évènement a pour but non seulement d'offrir a la scène une fin de semaine inoubliable ,
mais aussi la chance d'aider les enfants malades de leur region . Puisque que tous les
profits seront remis a un organisme d'aide a l'enfance . Nous tenons a remercier
tous les artistes qui ont gracieusement offert leur service gratuitement pour cette cause .

This event's goal is not only to offers you an unforgettable weekend . but
to also give you the chance to help out the sick children in your area .
Since all the profits realised will be donated to a children's charity .
We would like to thank all the artists who have graciously offered their
services for free in order to help this cause .

Room 1:
Azatoth (Canada, Quebec, Quebec)
Basilisk (Canada, Ontario, Toronto) - www.ektoplazm.com - Ektoplazm
Biodegradable (USA, California, San Francisco)
Clone (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa)
Clone (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa) - www.tundrarecords.org - Tundra Records, FAK, Materia Rec
Cozmoz (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) - www.thedjlist.com
Delerious (Canada, Quebec, Quebec)
DJ Zen (Canada, Quebec, Inverness) - www.altar-records.com - Altar Records
Dolby X (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) (Psy Trance)
Kynoxe (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) - Freak Patrol, Dragon's Tribe
Liquidz (Canada, Quebec, Quebec)
Ludovic (Canada, Quebec, Quebec)
MOBIUS (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa) - www.eartobrain.com - Electronic Records UK, Nu Energy
Mypo (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) - kanibalz , freak patrol , Goego
Pillango (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa)
Pymo (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) - www.kanibalz.com - Kanibalz, FLB
S.I.N (Canada, Ontario, Ottawa)
Shampa (Canada, Quebec, Quebec)
Shango (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) - www.neurovortex.com - NvX
spannungsbogen (Canada, Quebec, Quebec) - NeuroVorteX
Subsonic Chronic (Canada, Ontario, Toronto)
Tamerax (Canada, Quebec, Sherbrooke) - www.tamerax.com
Absolute - www.myspace.com - www.myspace.com/myabsoluteworld
Amalgam - www.djamalgam.com - Renegade Legion
ASAPH - www.freaks-island.ca - Freaks Island Records
Central Processing Unit
Cham - www.trance-nrg.net - Trance Nrg
Clown (Psy Trance) - www.jesterrecords.ca - JESTER Records and Productions
DJ Rikam - www.myspace - Neurobiotic records/Tech Safari
Doc Savage - www.synergyraves.com - SynergyCanada
Dr Sam
Fu Ancko - www.fuancko.info - Eresys / Akarien Prod.
G O'Brien
Galaks' - Freak Addiction Krew, Six Feet H
IZNOGOOD - www.discphunktionnalrecords.com - Discphunktionnal records
Juniah - Hard trance - Trance-NRG & Solstice Prod.
MekkadoM - HiFX Productions
Mikiram - www.noerg.com
Miss Akane
Psyko Le Punk
SARCASTIC - www.djsarcastic.bandcamp.com - Level 4, Icewax, Red Channel+
Seb - Mandala Sound and Vision
Tao - www.attituderecordings.com
The Messenger
The Nohair
X-Frog - www.psyfreaks.ca - Psyfreaks.ca
Yann - www.techsafari.ca - Tech Safari, Ultra Groove Rec.
Info:Services offert avec chaque billet :

-Les 3 jours d'évènement
-Eau potable
-Sécurité amicale
-Premiers soins

Services offered with each ticket :

-The 3 days of events
-Drinkable water
-Friendly security
-First aid

Attention spéciale :

-aucun feu toléré
-respecterla nature
-pas de bouteille de verre
-accomodation , repas chaud et froid sur place
-jeter vos dechets aux endroit prevus a cet effet
-bonne vibe
-beau temp / mauvais temp l'evenement auras lieux

Special attention :

-no fires tolerated
-please respect the nature
-no glass bottles
-accomodations , hot and cold meals on site
-throw your garbage away in the appropriate locations
-good vibe / no bad attitude
-will be held in good or bad weather
Extras:BILLETS / TICKETS : 15$

Point De Vente ( Disponible Maintenant )
Point Of Purchase ( Available Now )

Quebec :
Platine - 847 St-Jean * 418-529-8174
DLX - 2480 St-Foy * 418-653-0783

Megohm - 153 St-Cath Est * 514-844-5407
Terminal Records - 2011 St-Denis * 514-844-8519
Psychonaut - 375 Roy Est * 514-844-8998

Trois-Rivieres :
Colimacon - 1522 Notre-Dame * 819-374-3686

St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu :
Micro-Disques - Carr. Richelieu * 450-348-6264

St-Jerome :
Chanvre Du Nord - 38 De Martigny Est * 450-565-5305

Ottawa :
Norml Clothing - 45 William Street * 613-562-2043

Toronto :
Metropolis Records - 162 Spadina Ave * 416-364-0230

Added:Fri Jul 4, 2003 @ 12:00am by » HATTERIA
Modified:Fri May 25, 2007 @ 9:50pm by » ravedave
Events Calendar - July 4, 2003
Contributing Members: » Screwhead (66), » accomplice (39), » Lady (5), » Dead_Candy_Queen (3)
Member Comments
» Clone said @ Fri Aug 24, 2007 @ 3:44pm
I believe we dubbed this one Shit Out of Luck... still had fun though, setting up the chill sound system so Brainwerx could play and waking up the grumpy hungover sleepers.. priceless!!
» Basilisk said @ Thu Aug 9, 2007 @ 9:24pm
This festival was intolerably bad. In fact, it is without question the worst festival I have ever attended. Services offered with your ticket: a swamp to pitch your tent, a cafeteria table as second stage, and a drunken organizer riding around on his ATV unwilling to cough up the gas money promised to the Toronto DJs. Well, Asaph succeeded in hosting a legendary event at least... anyone who went will never forget the suckiness of the experience :)
» Niji said @ Wed Apr 18, 2007 @ 7:53pm
"source of light aura lieu sur un terrain enchanteur" aaaaahaha. bon, j'imagine que c'aurait été cute au soleil.
» da_instagatah said @ Mon Jul 21, 2003 @ 10:43am
this part suuuuucked
» tuesmondieu said @ Sun Jul 6, 2003 @ 4:44pm
» v.2-1 said @ Wed Jul 2, 2003 @ 5:50pm
We be rippin' this party up, niggz ! Woohoo !
» Zz.ee.vV said @ Mon Jun 30, 2003 @ 4:32pm
.: !! HOT NEW SHIZNIT !! :. ADDITIONAL PARTY AREAS:<br><Br> .:: Ragga-Jungle Room ::. <br> 10-12 ; Jah Style <br> 12-1 ; JAda<br> 1-2 ; KGB Kid (Ottawa)<br> 2-3 ; Saigon (Toronto)<br> 3-5 ; Krinjah versus MAyday <br> 5-6 ; Accomplice<br> 6-7 ; Regimental <br><br> .:: Drum n' Bass Room ::. <br>11-12 ; Sketchy B. <br>12-1 ; Host One <br>1-2 ; Host One versus The Nitrous <br>2-3 ; The Nitrous <br>3-4 ; Sase One <br>4-5 ; Stalker <br>5-6 ; Axionfigga <br>6-7 ; Galaksy <br>7-8 ; Axionfigga versus Galaksy <br><br><br>TOP SELEKTAHZ DROPPIN BOMBZ
» Purple_Lee said @ Sun Jun 29, 2003 @ 6:54pm
so close that you can taste it:)
» ColdFusion said @ Fri Jun 27, 2003 @ 12:51am
I just pissed in my pants just thinking about it!
» Freak_Boy said @ Mon Jun 9, 2003 @ 12:02pm
YEAH this is gona be the bomb gotta bring a 14 of weed for the trip =)
» Mali said @ Thu Mar 27, 2003 @ 4:13am
roast marshmallowa
» HATTERIA said @ Tue Mar 18, 2003 @ 12:13am
nooooooooo this gonna be crazyyy :P
» djAmalgam said @ Thu Feb 27, 2003 @ 10:17pm