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Events Calendar - July 15, 2006
SOM @ Stereo [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Jul 15, 2006 @ 11:00pm
Info:* XL (Stereo Resident, [ xlmtl.com ]

w/ Steve 'bear' Sas [ ] bear.nu)

Steve “The Bear” Sas is an up and coming DJ who's taking the club scene by storm. His inclination for musical experimentation, added to his urge to entertain have made him a prominant influence amoungst the emerging new breed of House Dj/Producers. Steve takes music lovers on a never-ending rhythmic journey on the dance floor. His passion for music is obvious. Along with his resident DJ duties in many of Montreal hottest clubs, Steve has developed an interest in production.
Added:Sat Jul 15, 2006 @ 11:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - July 15, 2006
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