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Events Calendar - August 18, 2006
SOCA BOAT - J'ouvert Fete [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
Time:Fri Aug 18, 2006 @ 11:15pm
Info:Come kick off Ottawa's CARIBBEAN CARNIVAL with a midnight boat cruise along the Ottawa River aboard the BIGGEST party boat - The Ottawa River Queen!

Come experience the vibe as revellers from all over the world come to Ottawa to celebrate Caribbean culture, music & food.

Jamming the best in NEW & OLD Soca & Reggae, you and your friends will be dancing the night away & waking up the next morning to enjoy the Grand Street Parade.

This is the 3rd Annual SOCA BOAT which has and will sell out early, so get your tickets now!

This will be one HOT night, so be sure to bring your RAGS & FLAGS, because if you like to wine, this is YOUR TIME!

Come join us and the REST of Ottawa's CARIBBEAN MUSIC LOVERS on the Ottawa River Queen at Ottawa's BIGGEST J'OUVERT FETE!

More Info: [ www.massivevibes.ca ]
Added:Fri Aug 18, 2006 @ 11:15pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - August 18, 2006
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