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Events Calendar - September 15, 2001
Shuttup And Dance [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Sat Sep 15, 2001 @ 12:00am
Promoter:Pannik Productions
[ pannikprod.cjb.net ]
Info:NO Thugs or Attitudes; No GHB, XTC, LSD, PCP or any other Letters of the Alphabet. This is a 16+ Event, ROAR & PLUR in effect. No BS allowed, just Shuttup and Dance!

The Party is going to be right in downtown Toronto! There are going to be tons of giveaways throughout the night not to mention door prizes so be sure to get there early! prizes will include CDs, tapes, t-shirts and other cool shit =) AAAAAAAAAAAND THATS NOT ALL! There will be a draw for a BONG at 4:20 during DJ Mannik's set! Dont miss it!
Extras:9$ - advance
more @ door
Added:Sat Sep 15, 2001 @ 12:00am by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - September 15, 2001
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